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Lords of the Admiralty to Admiral Lewis Bayly, Commander-in-Chief, Southern Ireland

:-  SECRET  -:

[British] ADMIRALTY.              

4th September 1918.

The Commander-in-Chief,

     H.M.Ships & Vessels,


                    With reference to your Submission of the 16th ultimo No. 2306/W.102.A,1 bringing to their Lordships notice the shortage of Destroyers attached to Queenstown, I am to acquaint you that no British Destroyers can be allocated at present, and any increase in the near future will have to come from U.S. forces.

                    Meanwhile, as far as possible, the calls made on the escort forces under your command will be kept to the lowest limit possible.


/S/ CHARLES WALKER.2        

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. There is a note below close: “11./No.W.102/A/Admiral Sims, U.S.N.,/LONDON./For information with/reference to my W.102/A of 16th August, 1918/Lewis Bayly./Admiral.” There is a document identifier in top left-hand corner: “M.013331/18.”

Footnote 2: Walker was deputy secretary of the Admiralty.
