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George I. Gay, Commissioner, Planning Division, to Professor J. A. Field, Staff of United States Shipping Board

Chronological Copy.                          File No. <42-2-4>

Cablegram Received <September 20, 1918.>

Origin    Opnav Washington                   Ser. No. BN 457

  C-S     Sept 21

B                          S E C R E T


Boards Navy 457. Gay to Field. Agreement with Peru for Ex-German vessel answering Ship Mission 5361 proposed signed by United States and Peruvian Governments for Ex-German Steamship includes following Steamships and sailers. First is dead weight tonnage and second gross registered tonnage according to British Lloyd’s Steamship SIERRA

          CORDOBA        8200          8226

          LUXOR          12000          7109

          RHAKOTIS        8500          6962

          ANUBIS         8000          4763

          UARDA          9000          5751


   <Hebe> REBE           4000          2469

          OMEGA          4000          2471

          MAIPO          2700          1770

          TELLUS         2500          1465

Term up to agreement extended for duration of war with Germany and her Allies and for 30 days there after. Beginning on the date when the holdings are ready receive cargo. Can send by pouch copy of charters party if desired. Secrist Greenough2 19020  BN 457


Time Sent:  4 AM  Sept. 21, 1918.

Time Recd:  11:11 AM Sept. 21, 1918.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date notation at the end of the cable.

Footnote 2: Chester N. Greenough of the Emergency Fleet Corporation.

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