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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Flag Officers in European Waters

U.S. Naval Forces Operating in European Waters.

U.S.S. MELVILLE, Flagship.     

April 2, 1918.          




          (1) SUBMARINE DETACHMENT – Captain Hart.1

     (b) NAVAL FORCES IN FRANCE – Rear Admiral Wilson.2

     (c) PATROLS SQUADRONS BASED ON GIBRALTAR – Rear Admiral Niblack.3

     (d) AZORES DETACHMENT – Rear Admiral Dunn.4

     (e) MINING DETACHMENT – Rear Admiral Strauss.5

     (f) SIXTH BATTLE SQUADRON, GRAND FLEET – Rear Admiral Rodman.6


     1.   Enemy submarines operating against Allied lines of communication. Enemy High Sea Fleet contained in enemy home waters.

     2.   These forces operate under direct military control of Senior Allied Commanders Present, in accordance with general policies of Force Commander as set forth in Force Instructions No. 2 of September 22, 1917.8

     3.   (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). The Senior U.S. Naval Officer in each area shall be in immediate command of U.S. Naval Forces in that area (including personnel of bases) and shall be responsible for the efficiency of his command and for their operation, subject to the requirements of paragraph 2.

     (d) – (additional). Deny the AZORES ISLANDS to enemy submarines and operate offensively against such vessels when reported in the vicinity as far as the capabilities and radius of action of the available vessels permit. Do not operate in the vicinity of the CANARY ISLANDS eact of Longitude twenty, and south of Latitude thirty, without first communicating with French Naval Forces in that area.

     (g) Such Air Stations as have been or may be established in France, and in the British Isles shall be operated under the direction of the Senior Allied Commander in the district in which they are located; the Commander of Naval Aviation Forces, Foreign Service, shall exercise general administrative and disciplinary control over all such Stations.

     (x) The Force Commander shall be kept informed of military operations performed or contemplated and state of military readiness for any possible duty of which the forces in question are capable.

4.        Keep the Force Commander informed regarding supplies needed from the United States. Forces in France shall make requests through Paymaster J.F. Hatch,9 U.S. Navy, Assistant in France to the Aid for Material and Supplies; all other forces shall make application for stores direct to the Force Commander.

          When supplies cannot be obtained from the United States within the necessary time, make direct requests on Allied base facilities.

          Local purchases may be made when it is necessary to obtain immediate delivery of supplies so procurable.

5.             The Force Commander’s mail address is 30, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S. W. Cable and telegraphic address, “Simsadus”, London. Use Codes and Ciphers as may be directed from time to time; utilize Allied Official mail routes whenever possible.

          This order becomes effective on receipt.

(S)  WM. S. SIMS.       

Vice-Admiral, Commanding.


Source Note: Cy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/655. Addressed below close: “Copies to:-/Secretary of the Navy [Josephus Daniels] (Operations) (1)/Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet [Henry T. Mayo] (5)/U. S. S. MELVILLE [Joel R. Poinsett Pringle] (5)/Rear Admiral [Henry B.] Wilson (For Floating Forces/and Bases) (10)/Rear Admiral [Albert B.] Niblack (5)/Captain [Hutchinson I.] Cone (5)/ Rear Admiral Dunn (5)/Rear Admiral Rodman (5)/Captain Hart (3)/Captain R[ichard]. H. Jackson (5)/Paymaster [John F.] Hatch (1)/Naval Attaches, London (1)/Paris [William R. Sayles](1)/ Rome [Charles R. Train](1)/ Madrid [Benton C. Decker](1)/British Admiralty (1)/Admiral [Lewis] Bayley (1)/Files (5).

Footnote 1: Capt. Thomas C. Hart.

Footnote 2: RAdm. Henry B. Wilson.

Footnote 3: RAdm. Albert Niblack.

Footnote 4: RAdm. Herbert O. Dunn.

Footnote 5: RAdm. Joseph Strauss.

Footnote 6: RAdm. Hugh Rodman.

Footnote 7: Capt. Hutchinson I. Cone.

Footnote 9: Paymaster John F. Hatch.

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