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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Cablegram Received  April <25, 1918.> 08726  RES1

Origin    Opnav     Washington     Serial No. 5366

Ref’d to    Date         Action, Notes and Initials.


26 Apr.

Cabled, Dunn2 and Opnav April 28 NCs sx Cable sent Azores asking for statement last sentence.

31 ADR


5366. Your 6926.3 It has not been the intention thus far to equip tugs assigned eventually your forces with mine sweeping gear. The present plan occurred by you is to use these tugs to expedite the chaser movement across seas. 2 tugs however will be fitted for mine sweeping and they can be assigned Azores Island later. Do you desire other so fitted. Your 6890.4 Statement from Admiral Dunn requested giving number of additional marines needed to carry out terms agreed.  20025. 6926.


N.B. “Marines” comes clear

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “File No. 25-9-3.”

Footnote 1: Initials of the transcriber.

Footnote 2: RAdm. Herbert O. Dunn, Commnader, Azores Detachment, Atlantic Fleet.

Footnote 4: This document has not been found.