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Major General John J. Pershing, Commander, American Expeditionary Forces, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters





London, April 23, 1918.

Dear Admiral Sims:

     Referring to your personal letter of recent date1 regarding additional ports for our supply ships, I wish to express my very cordial appreciation of the spirit of cooperation you have constantly shown in all our relations. I shall advise you later as to the conclusion reached in this matter, after consultation with the French authorities upon my return to Paris.

     Following our recent conversation, I think it may secure still further efficiency of cooperation between our land and naval forces regarding the transport of troops and supplies if a competent naval officer were permanently attached to my staff. I hope you may see your way to let me have such an officer at an early date.

     With reference to the proposal of the British to send over some of our troops on what are called “medium” speed transports, ” the matter was discussed in a general way between the Secretary of War2 and myself during his recent visit. I see no reason why such vessels should not be used, especially in view of the fact that you, yourself, consider them quite as safe as the larger class of transports. I have therefore sent to the War Department a cablegram on this subject, copy of which is enclosed.3

     With very warm personal regards, believe me,

                              Always sincerely,

John J. Pershing.       

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Identification numbers “II-14-22” appear in the upper-right corner, with “I/8/C/5” below in columnar fashion.

Footnote 2: Newton D. Baker.

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