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French Ministry of Marine to Captain Richard H. Jackson, United States Naval Representative to the Ministry of Marine



Ministry of Marine.

General Staff.          Paris, 3 April 1918.

Office of the Secretariat.


for Captain Jackson, U.S.N.

     General Foch1 has been informed of the proposal of Admiral Sims2 to place at his disposal about seven thousand American seamen, including mechanics, professional workmen, chauffeurs and seamen at present engaged in the work of organizing American naval patrol and aircraft centres in France and in England.3

     The General believes, in view of the importance of the work in which this personnel is engaged, that these seamen should not be called upon except in case of an emergency arising from the necessity of giving priority to work to be done at the front over work now being performed by the naval personnel in the submarine warfare, if the allied armies should find themselves short of men for their own work.

     The Commander-in-Chief does not consider such to be the case at present since he has at his disposal all the means which he requires.

     But if circumstances should arise he would certainly apply to Admiral Sims and would accept his suggestion.

     He thanks him very sincerely for his offer of assistance which he regards as a new manifestation of the ardor with which the United States intend to throw themselves into the struggle.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. A heading across the top of the page reads: “OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE/6 February 1930” and “TRANSLATION: JHB/COPY: JHB”.

Footnote 1: Gen. Ferdinand J. M. Foch, Supreme Allied Commander.

Footnote 2: VAdm. William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters.

Footnote 3: For more on this proposal, see: Sims to Benson, 2 April 1918.

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