Operation Torch Image Gallery
Pilots of Fighting Squadron 41 (VF-41) singing in their ready room aboard USS Ranger (CV-4), before zero hour of the first day of the invasion of Morocco, 8 November 1942. Lieutenant Malcolm T. Wordell, Squadron Executive Officer, (at right) is leading the songs. Lieutenant Jacob W. Onstott is standing in the left center. Note situation board behind them, and chart of aircraft insignia at left (80-G-30251).
U.S. Navy ships off the Phosphate Pier at Safi, Morocco, on 10 November 1942. Beach Red is in the left background. Beach Blue is in the left center, with the harbor in the center and the town of Safi at right. Ships present are (from left to right center): USS Dorothea L. Dix (AP-67), USS Calvert (AP-65), USS Harris (AP-8), USS Lyon (AP-71), and USS Housatonic (AO-35) (80-G-31424).
Major General George S. Patton, USA (left center), and Rear Admiral John L. Hall, USN (behind Patton), prepare to go ashore during the North African operation. Photo is dated 4 December 1942, but was probably taken on 9 November 1942, when Patton went ashore for the first time at Fedala, Morocco (80-G-30122).
French navy and commercial ships in Casablanca harbor, Morocco, after the battle of 8 November 1942. Note two damaged 1,500-ton destroyers at left. Another ship of that class is alongside the quay in right center. Outside the harbor are the beached light cruiser Primauguet (left center), destroyer Albatros, and destroyer Milan (closest to the beach) (80-G-32407).
Published: Thu Aug 08 10:28:53 EDT 2019