Letter to James Wright from his mother, September 11, 1945
James Wright Ph.M1/c
Receiving Ship
Navy #140 – c/o F.P.O.
San Francisco, Calif.
Mr. & Mrs. F.T. Wright
112 Kennebeck So.
Kent, Washington
Tues, Sept. 11, 1945
Dear Jim: No letter from you since the one written August 22, 1945, so we do not know where you are. Just hoping that our letters are reaching you, I shall write to tell you that we are all well. Father is still at Todd’s and hopes that his job will last until after Christmas.
School started off in the usual way. I have 24 little urchins this year, and I am enjoying my teaching as much as ever. Ellen has a host of new teachers at High School. She is playing in both the regular and the dance bands, much to her delight.
Margaret will have a week’s vacation soon. She hopes you may be home at the same time. Wouldn’t that be fine?
Howard Hatt arrived in Kent on Sunday. Has a medical discharge. His back is still pretty sore.
Haven’t heard from Gerry for a long time, she may be in your part of the world, by this time.
Paul is still at Ft. Lewis. He gets home every few days. No word of discharge, though. Do hope you are well. We wonder if you are still at New Hebrides. Hope you get what you want to do. Love from us all. Mother.
From the Papers of James Wright, Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command