Letter from Charles W. Cooper to his parents, August 10, 1945
Aug 10, 1945
Dear Mother and Dad,
I don’t have any special news but will just write a few lines to let you know that I am o.k.
I just had my hair cut by Coleman; Ken has some clippers so we cut each others hair. Tomorrow is inspection day and all of us are now wondering if we will pass it.
The news looks pretty bright now with Russia in and the U.S. using their new bomb.
I expect that you arrived at Fink Lake yesterday and are getting things straightened up today. I bet there is a lot of work to do after the cabin has been closed for so long. Let me know if the little trees are still leaving, they should have a pretty good start by now.
I haven’t heard from Phil Hope for some time, he may have been transferred and that may account for it. Cliff got a dirty deal after thinking he was going home in 18 months (he had 16 in) they told them they would have to stay 24 months. I have been on a lot of the islands and the fellows on them don’t seem to have such a hard life. We have one advantage in getting our six months in for that hasn’t been changed and I doubt if it will be.
As usual there is nothing to write about so I’ll close now.
Love, Bill
Charles William Cooper AMM3/c
From the Papers of Charles W. Cooper, Box 2, Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command