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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Rear Admiral Henry B. Wilson, Commander, United States Naval Forces in France

Chronological Copy.                     File No.

Cablegram Sent August 16, 1918.    AHI1

To   Comfran Brest.                     Serial No. 5023

Prep. by C-1                       D.R. SX

31 ARD             


5023 Your 4935.2 Vessels should be routed in convoy from Milford Haven or Falmouth to Gibraltar, thence in slow convoy to Marseilles. From Marseilles vessels will be placed in convoy to Bizerta, thence in convoy via Malta and Milo to Port Said or via Alexandria depending on date of sailing of convoys. Recommend that vessels assigned to this duty be of smaller type owing to increased losses in Mediterranean. Vessels should be able to maintain speed of 7 knots.  15316.    5025.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Initials of the transcriber.

Footnote 2: This document has not been found.

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