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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


CABLEGRAM RECEIVED:  August <2, 1918.> 23002   PLC

Origin:  Opnav Washington.                    Ser No. Simben 10.

     Ref’d to        Date

       CS1          3 Aug.

46 ADR.                       HIGHLY SECRET.


Simben 10. Your Simben 172. Our Simben 8.3 In case of injury to cables arrangements must be made whereby we can receive short radio messages informing us of escape of enemy raiding force,its size,point of departure and date of departure in order that the execution for plan of action Simben 8 may be broadcasted and become operative.It is the opinion of Department that this plan should become effective at once and become operative immediately the necessity arises,without waiting for arrival of our force at Berehaven as certain dispositions can be made by our own forces here and at Azores Islands which can probably insure success of plan even before arrival of our ships abroad.For that reason immediate reply is requested.U.S.S. Oklahoma will be ready to sail about August 7th. and it is proposed to despatch her immediately without waiting for U.S.S.Nevada or U.S.S.Utah.|4| Routing instructions requested.Acknowledgement this desired.|5| Simben 10 23002.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Identifying number in top right-hand corner in columnar fashion: “3/4/0/H.” The date is handwritten but is confirmed by the time date stamp just before the signature.

Footnote 1: “CS” stands for chief of staff, Capt. Nathan C. Twining.

Footnote 2: Cable not found.

Footnote 4: The battleship Oklahoma did not depart from Hampton Roads until 13 August; it left in company with U.S.S. Nevada. See, U.S.S. Oklahoma, log entry 13 August, DNA, RG 45, Entry 118.

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