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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


File No. 724. 

CABLEGRAM RECEIVED. 14030 <August 30, 1918.>

Origin: Opnav, Washington.

     Ref’d to       Date

     CS             31 Aug.


724. Plan outline our Simben 8 and 111 for protection against battle cruiser raids and instructions one of Commander Force European waters, will become effective upon receipt of this cable so far as plan for diversion of routes is concerned. Beginning with September ninth battleship escort will be given to the HX, HC2 and United States troop convoys in the order of importance named. Until system of battleship escort is thoroughly in hand, it is probable that some convoys will sail without additional battleship escort. You will be informed when this happens. To put the entire plan into active operation if it is so desired, when information is gained of the escape of a raider, the following radio or cable will be sent by Sims and by Opnav QUOTE Battlecruiser raid plan operative UNQUOTE 14030   724.


6.52 A. M. Aug. 31, 1918.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date confirmed by time/date stamp.

Footnote 2: Convoys from Halifax and Sydney, Nova Scotia, to England.

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