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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

Subject Copy.                               File No. <4/3/5>

              Cablegram Sent August 14, 1918. TFW

To   Opnav Washington                       Serial No. 2880

Prep. by M-1                 Sx D.R.

                                         35 ARD


2880 Referring to United States tankers bringing aeroplanes and seaplanes. These vessels are provisionally allocated to discharge ports before convoy sails and any alteration of discharge port after departure from United States <causes> great inconvenience in convoy arrangements. It is most necessary that we be advised in good time of intention to load planes, stating for what bases planes are suitable and probable date of departure so that vessel may be allocated to most advantageous discharge port. Certain unavoidable delays must be expected when tankers are used for carrying seaplanes and also in delivery of planes to final destination but to reduce such delays to minimum request following program be followed as closely as practicable:-

(a)  Planes suitable for and intended for Queenstown should be

shipped in tankers not exceeding 8000 tons capacity and included in convoys suitable for Queenstown at regular intervals of one cargo every two weeks. Tankers for Queenstown should be sent in H.C. convoys or H.H. or H.S. East coast convoys.

     (b)  Planes for Brest should be shipped in weekly Naval

Tanker arranged for by our 1498,1 proceeding to Brest in H.B., H.N. or Troop convoy.

     (c)  Planes for other South Coast of England bases should

be shipped in East Coast convoys from New York, Hampton Roads or Sydney.

     (d)  Planes for Northern Ireland bases may be shipped in any

north bound convoy.

If planes can be dispatched in complete units ready for assembling at or near ports of discharge, arrangements may possibly be made to fly to final destination as facilities for transshipment very limited. 17214. 2880


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: This document has not been located.

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