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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

MES                                         File No. 16


<August 24,1918.>                 

ORIGIN Opnav, Washington.                  Ser. No. 348.

N-1 25 Aug.

31 ARD.             _CONFIDENTIAL._


348. Corrected data submarine activities August 14th 0410 GMT American schooner DOROTHY BARRETT gunned sunk 5 miles southeast of Five Fathoms Bank Light 15th August 11:15 GMT Brazilian motor schooner MADRUGADA sunk by gunfire Latitude 37° 50’ Longitude 74° 55’ August 16th 19:20 GMT British steamer MIRLO sunk by mine or torpedo Latitude 35 30 Longitude 75 18. August 16th 21:00 GMT British steamer LACKAWANNA chased gunned escaped Latitude 40 45 Longitude 64 40 August 17th 16:00 GMT Norwegian bark NORDHAV gunned bombed sunk 120 miles southeast Cape Henry August 17th 17:30 GMT Norwegian steamer SAN JOSE gunned bombed sunk Latitude 42 10 Longitude 64 42 August 20th 11:00 GMT Italian steamer ANSALDODI <Ansaldo I> gunned hit escaped Latitude 38 57 Longitude 70 48 16:00 GMT Trawler TRIUMPH captured 60 miles south by west of Cape Canso 1600 GMT 5 fishing schooners sunk same time and place August 21st 13:00 Gmt British steamer THESPIS missed by torpedo Latitude 39 40 Longitude 69 22 15:00 GMT British steamer DIOMEDXX torpedoed and sunk 40 42 north 65 13 west 22:00 Swedish vessel ALGERIA stopped allowed to proceed 40 30 north 68 35 West.1   15024.  348.


11:06 AM Aug 25 1918.   

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date notation immediately following the text.

Footnote 1: Dorothy B. Barrett, Madrugada, Mirlo, Nordhav, Ansaldo I, were all sunk by U-117. San Jose was sunk and Triumph captured by U-156. The Diomed was sunk by U-140., Accessed on 14 August 2018,

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