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Office of the Chief of Naval of Operations to United States Navy


RECEIVED or FILED SD  BY Radio   DATE 17-August-18   TIME 10:30P

          ORIGIN Washington <Opnav>          OPERATOR RECG. GH

VIA Radio

GOVT Broadcast.

<To: Alnav.>

     WAR WARNING Begins

          Enemy submarines may be encountered between latitudes of Cape Race1 and Charleston S.C. Active off New Jersey Maryland and North Carolina Coasts.2 Ends.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Stamped below close: “COPY TO BRIGADE, KWASIND, INTELLIGENCE OFFICER.”

Footnote 1: Cape Race is located at the southeastern tip of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada.

Footnote 2: The two German U-boats operating in American waters at this time were U-117, operating between Fire Island, New York, and Hatteras, North Carolina, and U-140, which was then operating in the Western Atlantic. Clark, U-Boats to America, 243-245, 252.

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