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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Action Copy.                       File No.

Cablegram Received  <August 30, 1918.> MJK

Origin    Opnav Washington         Ser. No. 718.

Ref’d. to




Aug 31




42 ADR              SECRET.


718. Rush. Information received from our military attache Berne, Switzerland1 reliability unknown that two armored cruisers 9000 ton with torpedo boat escort will leave Kiel night of 29 for purpose of raiding our transports. At 8 a.m. 31 August position of convoy carrying troops as follows. United States troop convoy, number 58 slow speed 12-1/2 knots Latitude 44 degrees Longitude 24 degrees, number 59 fast speed 18 knots Latitude 44 degrees 15 Latitude [i.e. Longitude] 36 degrees, number 61 slow speed 12-1/2 knots Latitude 37 degrees 31 Longitude 72 degrees, number 60 fast speed 19 knots sailing at 5 p.m. 31st August. HX convoy number 462 speed 13 knots Latitude 51 degrees 10 Longitude 33 degrees 50. HC convoy number 153 speed 11-1/2. knots Latitude 46 degrees Longitude 47 degrees 15. HX-45 and HC-14|4| should have arrived by that time.4_19030 718


7:18 a.m. Aug 31st.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date confirmed by time/date stamp.

Footnote 1: Maj. Ivens Jones, U.S.A., Military Attache Berne Switzerland.

Footnote 2: HX convoys went from Halifax to Liverpool.

Footnote 3: HC convoys from Sydney and Quebec to Liverpool.

Footnote 4: On 31 August, Sims sent Benson a cable questioning the accuracy of the information. Ibid.

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