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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Admiral Henry T. Mayo, Commander-in-Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet, and Naval District Commanders


Receiving Date.

ORIGIN    No.  Operator or Signalman    Check     Date and Time

OPNAV     1         JH                 126         9-8-19---1:24

<Radiogram August 8, 1918.>                                   AM

VIA  Navy Radio Washington

ADDRESS --- <C-in-C>

     Department has planned to organize a hunting group of submarine chasers tooperate temporarily from Base Three1 composed following chasers 11, 209, 270 from Naval District Base New London 22, 23, 121, 232, 234, 245 from the Fleet , and threechasers from the Fifth Naval District as COMNAVDIS FIVE2 considers best fitted for the duty period Prepare these chasers for duty planned and direct them when in all respects ready for sea proceed Base Three and report COMNAVDIS FIVE not later than 20 August ready for duty period Department will assign destroyers to take command this detachment prior 20 August.3 Acknowledge. COMNAVDIS FIVE COMTRAIN NAVDISBASE NEW LONDON4 CinC. 19008.                                     <Opnav.>

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date stamp at the bottom of the cable. Identifier in upper-left corner: “MEJ.”

Footnote 1: Hampton Roads, Va.

Footnote 2: Norfolk, Va. The commandant was RAdm. Augustus F. Fechteler.

Footnote 3: This plan was formulated in response to increasing submarine activity just off the American coast. See, Clark, When the U-Boats Came to America for a detailed account.

Footnote 4: Capt. Arthur J. Hepburn, Commander, United States Submarine Chaser Base, New London.

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