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British Admiralty to Vice Admiral Sir William Lowther Grant, R.N., Commander-in-Chief, North American and West Indies Station

                       TELEGRAM.             No. 411

     From Admiralty                           Date 24.8.18

     To   C-in-C NA & WI.                     164


411. Admy. would be glad to have full information with regard to measures in force or contemplated by U.S. Navy Dept. for action against submarines operating on East Coast of North American, Gulf of Mexico and West Indies.1

     Request you will forward report dealing fully with these matters, including statement of vessels and aircraft employed or to be employed on these duties, and details of any arrangements made for co-operating with Canadian Navy.

     U.S.Navy Dept. has been provided with all details of the British dispositions in European Waters and the Admy. would welcome corresponding information with regard to the West Atlantic in order to be able to deal with any problems arising in Canadian waters or in the West Indies.

D 1st SL

1st SL2

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Addressed below close: “1st SL/ACNS [Assitant Chief of Naval Staff VAdm. Alexander Duff]/[RAdm. George Hope] D 1st S.L./[VAdm. William S. Sims]Force Cdr.”

Footnote 1: For the planned American disposition, see: Plan to Prevent a Submarine Raid, 18 July 1918.

Footnote 2: Deputy First Sea Lord RAdm. George Hope, R.N., and First Sea Lord Adm. Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, R.N.

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