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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations


Subject Copy.                                File No. <11-3-2>

Cablegram Sent May 24 1918. RLM.

To Opnav Washington.                         Serial No. 8432

Prep. by M-1                  SX   D.R.

                                        33 ADR.

8432. Your 6340.1 The Tank capacity at Queenstown is limited consequently it is not practicable to send tankers there for discharge excepting in rare instances as delays may not be avoided, but as soon as the new tanks to be added to the Queenstown plant are completed it will be possible. After the storage oil plant at Brest is finished Tankers may be sent there also, but until these added facilities are available and until the oil pipe line across Scotland is completed it will be necessary to continue the present practice which in every case has for its object the delivery of oil to the points where it is most needed. The situation will be materially benefitted by the completion of the oil pipe line,2 therefore the Department is particularly requested to press for the most prompt and efficient action in this direction. It is frequently pointed out that we decidedly prefer not to have our vessels sent into the North Sea if it can be possibly avoided without detrimental effect and in every case where practicable the Admiralty appears willing to take due cognizance of our wishes. In all cases U. S. and British Tankers are given same escort. 23124. 8432.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 2: The British Admiralty had contracted Forest M. Towl to build a pipeline from Clyde to Firth of Forth, Scotland. See: Sims to Benson, 7 March 1918.

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