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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Captain Hutchinson I. Cone, United States Naval Aviation Forces

Subject Copy.                           File No. <4-17-6>

Cablegram Sent May 18 <19>. 1918.  ROC

To Amnavpar, Paris.                      Serial No. 2268

Prep. by CS              NCT    D.R.


2268. For Cone. I understand from Captain Craven1 that it is undesirable for our Foreign Aviation Service to undertake at present any projects other than those now authorized and on foot, including northern bombing project, two Italian stations and four in Ireland.2 If you believe this policy should be adopted I will act accordingly on all suggestions for further expansion. 2268.  00319


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Capt. Thomas T. Craven was director of operations for the United States Naval Aviation Forces on service in Europe. Rossano, Stalking the U-Boat: 43.

Footnote 2: In late April, Cone wrote a friend that, although the British had been urging him to build or man additional stations along the English Channel and elsewhere, he rejected those requests because the United States had as much on its plate as it could handle. Ibid., 146. The northern bombing project was then headquartered at Dunkirk; the four bases in Ireland were Lough Foyle, Berehaven, Whiddy Island, and Wexford; the bases in Italy were at Porto Corsini and Pesaro.

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