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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in Europe, to All Naval Forces


U.S.S. MELVILLE, Flagship.

London, England.

May 11, 1918.      


SUBJECT:  Protection of United States Naval Stations in Ireland.

     1.   In view of the possibility of civil disturbances in Ireland the Force Commander and the Admiralty have reached certain agreements as to the steps to be taken to protect the United States Naval Stations in that Island.1

     2.   The agreements reached are below set forth, and will be observed by all Officers and men concerned:

(a)    United States forces will not be considered available, nor will they be used, for the protection of any property other than that covered by the United States Flag either actually or prospectively.

(b)    At stations under construction or at store-houses or other establishments at which there is no regular crew, and where the United States Flag has not yet been hoisted, the United States Naval authorities in charge shall take all necessary measures to guard against theft or damage by ill disposed persons, but the British military authorities will be responsible for protecting such places against any organized attack.

(c)    As soon as a station or building has been completed and has been taken over by a United States crew, commanded by a Commissioned Officer, the United States Flag shall be hoisted over it and the crew, with such assistance as may be necessary from other sources, shall be prepared to protect the Flag and the Station over which it flies against insult or injury. In case of organized attack against such a Station, protection will be furnished by the British military forces on request.

(d)    At every station occupied by United States Naval Forces notices shall be posted in one or more conspicuous places warning off trespassers. Such notices shall be headed “ADMIRALTY PROPERTY” with a sub-heading showing it to be a United States Naval Station.

/s/ WM. S. SIMS.

                         Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy,


Source Note: Cy, DLC-MSS, Josephus Daniels Papers, Box 35. This document is stamped “Confidential”. Below the close, a columnar list describes, “Copies to:/MELVILLE (20)/Commander U.S. Naval Forces in France [RAdm. Henry B. Wilson] (2)/Commander U.S. Patrol Squadrons Based on Gibraltar [RAdm. Albert P. Niblack] (2)/Commander, Mine Force [Capt. Reginald R. Belknap] (2)/Commander, Azores Detachment [RAdm. Herbert O. Dunn] (2)/ Commander Sixth Battle Squadron [RAdm. Hugh Rodman] (2)/Operations (1)/C-in-C Atlantic Fleet [Adm. Henry T. Mayo] (5)/ Admiralty (1)/Heads of Departments London Office (1 each)/Files (5)”