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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Bureau of Navigation

Chronological Copy.                       File No.

Cablegram Sent  May <19,> 1918.  RLM

To Opnav, Washington. (Bunav)                   Serial No 8140

Prep. by  S-1            HRS1    D.R.


814o. Careful consideration of Bureau of Navigation confidential letter of 1st March, 1918,2 indicates that about 200 Officers will have to be absorbed into the Destroyer Force in Europe during 1918. It is considered from the poin<t> of view of health and efficiency extremely unwise to place more than 8 officers on the one thousand ton destroyers or more than 6 officers on the smaller destroyers which complements practically obtain at present. Therefore it is necessary to send 200 Officers home to make room for those to be received. I believe that from the standpoint of efficiency of the destroyers and of the <m>orale of the personnell it is desirable to send home not only commanding officers, engineer officers and executive officers for new construction, but also other officers. Accordingly I recommend that I be authorized to send home each month beginning as from June 1st approximately 7 commanding officers 22 junior officers, total 29. Request Bureau cable me if this request is approved in order that a schedule may be worked out well in advance.3 Those reserve Officers who are thoroughly proficient in deck duties will be included in this schedule as it is desirable as far as possible to give equal o<p>portunity to all officers to go home in connection with new construction demands. It will of course be necessary that we receive each month officers of approximate rank of those being sent home. 08019.   8140


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Cmdr. Harold R. Stark, the head of the Secretarial and Personnel section of Sims' staff.

Footnote 2: This letter has not been found.

Footnote 3: See: Benson to Sims, 25 May 1918.

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