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Diary of Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels

1918                      WEDNESDAY 15                       MAY

     Went to Polo Grounds1 to see first airplane carry letters to New York- I wrote one to Josephus2 and received three – President, Mrs Wilson, Burleson3 & others down

Conference with Baker & Solicitor General Davis-4 Clerk in C&R had written he had secured contract for certain parties at highest prices by using much bull on Asst. Secretary-5 They had letter also written by clerk in War Dept. about same line- Lawyers & others get commissions on orders obtained- We will change form of contracts & prosecute men guilty

     Baker spoke at N.C. Society6 – I introduced him

Source Note: D, DLC-MSS, Josephus Daniels Papers, Diaries, Roll 1.

Footnote 1: One of the major exhibition grounds in New York City at the time, the Polo Grounds was also the home of the New York Yankees and the New York Giants.

Footnote 2: Daniels’ son, who was then serving in the Marine Corps.

Footnote 3: President Woodrow Wilson, First Lady Edith Wilson, and Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson.

Footnote 4: Secretary of War Newton D. Baker and Solicitor General John Davis.

Footnote 5: Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Footnote 6: Organized in 1896, the North Carolina Society of Washington, D. C., is the oldest of the state societies. Apolitical and non-sectarian, the North Carolina Society was etablished to bring together men and women from the State of North Carolina, fostering acquaintance and friendship among its members through social entertainment, and to stimulate and strengthen patriotism, pride of citizenship and loyalty to the Nation and to the State of North Carolina, its traditions and institutions;, accessed 17 June 2019. As a native of North Carolina, Daniels was one of the society's most prominent members at that time.

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