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Captain William V. Pratt, Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, to Captain Joseph W. Oman, Commandant, Second Naval District

C O P Y                       May 17, 1918

From:     Chief of Naval Operations.

To:       Commandant Second Naval District.

Subject:  Additional information and comment on the plan for coastwise shipping control in the face of Submarine activity upon this coast.

Reference: (a) Chief of Naval Operations’ letterof May 16,1918 Confidential C-26-146.1

     1. In connection with reference (a) it will be understood that war warnings will not be sent out from the headquarters of any district or from any section thereof but will be broadcasted and sent out from the office of Naval Operations.

     2. If the presence of enemy submarines or mines comes to the knowledge of any district such fact should be immediately reported to the Department, Office of Naval Operations, by telephone, or in those districts which telegraph would be more suitable, by telegram. Upon receipt of this information the necessary warnings, if expedient, will be issued in the proper manner by the Office of Naval Operations.

     3. The plans referred to in reference (a) do not cover the subjectof overseas traffic but cover only the subject of coastwise traffic and special emphasis will be laid upon this distinction. The matter of plans for overseas traffic will be the subject of a later and separate communication.

/S/ W.V.Pratt      


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “Op-14-B-D.”

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