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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Secretary of the British Admiral Sir Oswyn A. R. Murray


June 13, 1918.

From:     Force Commander.

To  :     Secretary of the Admiralty.

SUBJECT: Suggesting services of “Q” ship against submarine operating in American Waters.

REFERENCE: (a) Force Commanders letter CS_20452 of June 11, 1918.1

     1.   With further reference to my letter of the 11th instant, Reference (a):

     2.   The Force Commander took this matter up by cable with the Navy Department, Washington, and is to-day in receipt of reply stating that in the Departments opinion it will not be necessary to send any “Q” boats to American waters.2 The Department feels that in a short time through its routing and arming of ships, and with the proper distribution of its available forces, it will have the situation well in hand without materially decreasing its output across the Atlantic.

     3.   Should the Department decide later that such action as suggested in my letter above quoted is necessary, the Admiralty will be advised.

/s/ WM. S. SIMS.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “CS 20926 43-4-2.”

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