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Diary of Commander Joseph K. Taussig, Commander, U.S. Destroyer Little



June 21


     At ten o’clock this morning the Commanding officers of all destroyers and yachts in port assembled in the Little to discuss ways and means for providing personnel for the new destroyers – it being necessary that the force here send quite a number of officers and men home for this purpose in the near future. Fremont as the Admirals’ representative1 presided over the meeting. There was much talk without anything definite being done. The manning of all the new destroyers is a big proposition especially as the nucleus crews must come from those operating on this side. . . .

Source Note: D, RNW, Joseph K. Taussig Papers, Mss. Coll. 97.

Footnote 1: Cmdr. John C. Fremont, Jr., head of the Military Inspections section of Wilson’s staff; the admiral was RAdm. Henry B. Wilson, Commander, United States Naval Forces based in France.