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Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels to All Navy Bureaus


WASHINGTON          June 13, 1918.     

To:  All Bureaus,

     Commandants all Naval Districts,

     DSNOTS, 1st, 3d, 4th and 5th Districts.1

SUBJECT:  Batteries for Naval Ovserseas Transportation Ships.

Reference: (a) CNO letter No. 28785-89 of Feb. 19, 1918.

           (b) CNO letter No. 28694 of April 11, 1918.

           (c) Secnav letter No. 24514-832, of May 2, 1918.2

     1.   Reference (a) directs that assignment of battery be made by the Bureau of Ordnance immediately upon being informed that a vessel is to be manned by the Navy and placed in the N.O.T.S. It has been found impracticable to assign batteries as directed, owing to the limited number of guns available. Upon taking over and fitting out vessels for the N.O.T.S. the Commandant (or D.S.N.O.T.S. as the case may be) will inform the Bureau of Ordnance by telephone (confirmed by dispatch) of the battery the vessel is capable of mounting.

     2.   In the case of vessels of the N.O.T.S. not yet provided with batteries and arriving in any district, report will be made to the Bureau of Ordnance as to the battery such vessels are capable of mounting.

     3.   Whenever possible gun emplacements will be provided capable of taking one 5” 51 aft and one 4” 50 forward and the capacity of the emplacement definitely reported in the report required by reference (c).

Josephus Daniels.       

Note: New York finds it more convenient to have the Hull Division arrange this with ordnance since this Division makes the detail inspection for the gun mounts, instead of relying upon the material officer, N.O.T.S.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “28785-09/Mat-3-ML 6/1.”

Footnote 1: Commandants, RAdm. Spencer D. Wood (1st), Commo. James P. Parker (2nd), RAdm. Nathaniel R. Usher (3rd), Capt. George F. Cooper (4th), RAdm. Augustus F. Fechteler (5th), RAdm. Frank E. Beatty (6th), RAdm. William B. Fletcher (7th), Commo. Valentine S. Nelson (8th), Capt. William W. Gilmer (12th), Capt. Robert E. Coontz (13th), Capt. George R. Clark (14th), RAdm. Marbury Johnston, District Superintendent Naval Overseas Transport Service, Capt. Patrick W. Hourigan (1st), Lt. Cmdr. Robert T. Merrill (3rd), Cmdr. William F. Hoffman (4th) and Lt. Cmdr. Lewis P. Clephane (5th).

Footnote 2: The three documents referred to have not been found.

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