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George I. Gay, Commissioner, Planning Division, to Professor J. A. Field, Staff of United States Shipping Board


Chronological Copy.                          File No. <42/2/4>

Cablegram Received June <26, 1918.> 03527 RLM.

Origin Opnav, Washington                     Ser. No. SM 193

C-3 1 July

29 ADR.


SM 193. From Gay to Field. Supplement SM Navy 188.1 New turn arounds as given herewith are our latest and were made in recent months by steamers in the trade regions indicated. Where traffic goes to more than one United States port figure is for the heavier traffic adjusted for minor traffic. Large difference in turn around between certain adjacent regions is <explained> by type of vessels engaged in the trade of therregions. Turn arounds in day are as follows: Eastern Asian to West Coast 33, Eastern India to West Coast 131, British India to New York N.Y. via Cape Town, South Africa 149, Australia to West Coast 79, Hawaiian Islands to West Coast 36, Amazonian to New York N.Y. 61, Central Brazil to Norfolk, Va. and New York, N.Y. 80, LaPlata to Norfolk, Va. and New York, N.Y. 95, Central Chile to Norfolk Va. and New York, N.Y. 85, North Chile to Norfolk, Va. and New York, N.Y. 73,Peru to Norfolk Va. and New York, N.Y. 57, Caribbean Sea to Gulf and New York, N.Y. 29, West Indies to New York 29, Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans La. 21, Pacific Coast Mexico to West Coast 21, Arabian to New York via Cape 149, East Africa to New York, N.Y via Cape 149, South Africa to New York via Cape 100, West Africa to New York 90, Mediterranean Sea to Norfolk, Va. and New York N/Y. 81, Levant to New York 90, [English] Channel to Norfolk, Va. and New York, N.Y. 69, Scandinavia to Norfolk, Va. and New York N Y. 78, Arctic Russia to New York, N.Y. 146, Greenland to New York, N.Y. 87, Canadian Atlantic to Boston, Mass 13, Pacific to Seattle, Wash. and San Francisco, Cal. 11. 12026. SM 193


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date stamp at the end of the cable. This message was sent on Gay’s behalf by Adm. William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, via the office of VAdm. William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters (Simsadus).

Footnote 1: This document has not been found.

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