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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Rear Admiral Albert P. Niblack, Commander, United States Patrol Squadron Based at Gibraltar

CABLEGRAM SENT   May 19, 1918. SMF 

To Senafloat, Gibraltar.                      Ser. No. 1038.

Prep. by   CS                    NCT

                                        31 ARD.


1038. URGENT. Your 857.1 If chasers not already departed you are authorized to retain twelve for a period not to exceed three days for further offensive work against the submarines and submarine base referred to. If at the expiration of the two days it appears that a fu[r]ther retention of these vessels would be useful for this specific purpose, inform me to that effect. If vessels have departed and can be recalled by radio authority granted to do so.

     Report immediately by cable the evidence upon which you base the statements that there is a submarine base in Sardinia Bay, and that an offensive against Gibraltar has been plan<n>ed. Define explicitly what you mean by a base.2  16119  1038.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 520, Box 387. Identifying number in upper right-hand corner in columnar fashion: “5/D/H/K.”

Footnote 1: See: Niblack to Sims, 19 May 1918.

Footnote 2: For Niblack's response to this query, see: Niblack to Sims, 21 May 1918.