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Raymond B. Stevens, Vice-Chairman, United States Shipping Board and United States Representative, Allied Maritime Transport Council to Edward N. Hurley, Chairman, United States Shipping Board, George I. Gay, Commissioner, Planning Division, Philip A. S. Franklin, Chairman, Shipping Control Committee, and Mr. Watrabord

Communication Copy.

Cablegram Sent June 23, 1918  TOH

To Opnav Washington.               Serial No. S.M.254

Prep. by C-3   Ap’vd. by Curtin.1 D.R.

Rec’d     Coded     Cypher 29 ADR Disp’chd Cable



Shipmission Number 254. For Hurly, Gay, Franklin and Watrabord.

     Following fourteen Swedish steamers chartered under Modus Vivendi will be renewed and chartered by me under Class A war zone service new Swedish Agreement and reassigned to present employment namely nine in Army Transport Service, CALLA, FERMIA, HELGE, JARL, JOH JEANSSON, KLIPPAN, VENERSBORG, WASABORG, VERNA; one in French service JEMTLAND; four in Italian service, DICIDO, EINAR, ENON, ZELOS. Owners of following seven Modus Vivendi steamers refuse renewal ALDEBARAN, ALMA, BLANCHE, BRITA, ELDORADO, ELLA, WILHELMINA. Will report later on remaining eight, making twenty-nine in all.

     I shall insist on prompt substitution of other ships to replace those which are withdrawn.

     I have accepted charters on following Swedish war zone steamers now offered under new agreement: SCANDINAVIC 3600 d.w.,2 ALSTERN 3150, ERKEN 2000, BARKEN 1550, ROTTNEN 1350, RUSKEN 1250, DUX 1350, total 14250. These are all available from service soon and will be assigned to Army for service for England to France. These Swedish boats will release larger vessels now in coal trade for trans-Atlantic service. Stevens. 01423  SM254


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Mr. Watraford has yet to be fully identified.

Footnote 1: Possibly, Pay Clerk John F. Curtin, U.S.N.R.F.

Footnote 2: Displacement weight in long tons.

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