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Diary of Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels


1918                       WEDNESDAY 26                 JUNE

Asso. Press printed onesided argument on hearings and I hauled them over the coals because they gave all that the liquor forces said & nothing that I said or the temperance men.1


Clerk in C&R grilled to find out who was concerned with him in giving out information about bids.2 Sullivan3 was arrested in Boston. He gave Sullivan tips so his concern could bid. Said he had to use a great deal of bull on F.D.R.4 to get him to give contract to his favorite-who was not the lowest bidder.


Padgett & Butler5 both called about Marine Corps promotion. The Senate insisted on promotions of staff corps. Butler roasted Lodge6 – said he was the most selfish man in the world

Source Note: D, DLC-MSS, Josephus Daniels Papers, Diaries, Roll 1.

Footnote 1: Josephus Daniels was a staunch advocate of Prohibition, and in 1914 he issued an order banning alcohol on all Navy ships and yards. He continued to advocate for nationwide prohibition until the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1920. Craig, Josephus Daniels: 245.

Footnote 2: For more on this, see: Daniels Diary, 15 May 1918.

Footnote 3: From the published edition of Daniels’ diary: “On June 17, Eugene Sullivan of Boston had been indicted in a crackdown on influence peddling. Sullivan had asked a fee from the Quaker City Raincoat Company and had promised in return a lucrative government contract for the firm.” Daniels, Cabinet Diaries: 315.

Footnote 4: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

Footnote 5: Lemuel P. Padgett, a Tennessee Democrat, was chairman of the House Naval Affairs Committee, and Thomas S. Butler of Pennsylvania was the ranking Republican on the committee. For the promotion issue, see footnote in: Daniels Diary, 3 June 1918.

Footnote 6: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, a powerful Massachusetts Republican and member of the Naval Affairs Committee.