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Documentary Histories

Diary of Colonel Edward M. House


November 21, 1917: The most interesting happening of my day was a visit to the Admiralty. Jellicoe1 showed me his war maps, charts, etc. . . .He explained the strategy of the war on the seas. He showed me where the new mine fields are being placed across the Straits of Dover. He also had a chart showing the convoy system. Each flotilla is noted and its exact position known each day. Jellicoe spoke highly of Benson,2 for whom I have a warm regard. It is Benson who has insisted upon their making a further attempt to close the Straits of Dover. . . .

     ‘Jellicoe endeavoured to explain, without my questioning him, the matters which have been uppermost in American minds as to the prosecution of a more vigorous war. He convinced me that it was impossible to attack the submarine bases at present. . . .

Source Note: Seymour, Colonel House: 236.

Footnote 1: 1st Sea Lord Admiral John R. Jellicoe, R.N.

Footnote 2: Adm. William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations.