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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

<February 15, 1918>


From:     Vice Admiral Sims

To:       Opnav

# 4016, Your 2977, By agreement with French Ministry when our forces were sent to the Azores Islands we were to avoid waters south of thirty degrees and east of twenty degrees since the French had forces in the Canary Islands. British submarines have recently been dispatched to the vicinity of the Canary Islands in consequence of enemy’s activities. I do not consider that with the limited number of units at my disposal any effective patrol of the Canary Islands and vicinity can be established and that to establish an ineffective patrol is merely a waste of effort. Furthermore if Forces are to be drawn from Azores Islands to patrol Canary Islands regions the enemy would doubtless transfer his activities back to the Azores Islands. I therefore recommend no change from present disposition of forces on account of enemy’s activities in vicinity of Canary Islands. 23415.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “IL-3954.” A hand-written note below close reads: “2977 Is it not possible utilize Azores forces suppress subs vicinity Canaries?”

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