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Rear Admiral Albert P. Niblack, Commander, Patrol Squadron Based on Gibraltar, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

February 22009 <10, 1918.> TOM

Senafloat, Gibraltar         Serial No.      419  Duplicate

C   S1      11 February

C-12        11 February

21 D                     VERY SECRET


419.   (Duplicate)  Admiralty [on] Dec 2nd informed Admiral Grant3 15 American Yachts were allotted here . Only 5 here now.4 The long planned Genoa convoy effective Feb 10th based on allotment promises to be a failure. Mediterranean Sea escort must now practically be a danger zone escort. If no more Yachts are coming soon suggest release of ocean escort now running to England.5 11410.


10 PM.   


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The date was handwritten at the top of the page and is confirmed by the time stamp immediately before the signature. Document reference: “11-13-5”.

Footnote 1: Presumably, Chief of Staff, which for Sims’ staff was Capt. Nathan C. Twining.

Footnote 2: Presumably, the communications section of Sims’ staff.

Footnote 3: RAdm. Heathcoat S. Grant, British commander at Gibraltar.

Footnote 4: By war’s end the United States had only added four armed yachts to the force at Gibraltar for a total of nine. Office of Naval Intelligence, Information Concerning the U.S. Navy and Other Navies (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919), 25.

Footnote 5: It appears that submarine chasers were sent to Gibraltar in lieu of armed yachts. Ibid.

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