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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

File No. 16-2-3    

          CABLEGRAM RECEIVED 21016 Feb. <12,1918.> EWC

          Origin Opnav Washington            Ser No 2916.

Ref’d to Date

N-2      10-2-18

24 B.


2916. Our 265 your 3441.1 Department is in possession of much information good, bad and indifferent coming from all sources,nevertheless as it still wishes that flow of commum<n>ication as outlined in our cable to continue. While it insists that information should reach you if necessary first even before it does us Department still desires to communicate direct wi th its agents, for it intends to preserve the right of weighing and balancing all information even that which may be bad or negative according to its own view-point. Instructions in 265 are however modified and you are given full authority to give such instructions as will insure your receiving all military information at earliest possible moment and are authorised to issue such instructions as will insure satisfactory results. Department expects you to supervise and make recommendation for such expansion as is warranted. Address intelligence reports to Bureau of Operations. 23018


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Neither cable has been found but see: Benson to Sims, 8 February 1918. As seen there, Sims was to oversee the collection of intelligence from the U.S. naval attachés in Europe.

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