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Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


Chronological Copy                      File No. <8/2/4823>

       <February 16,1918.>

Cablegram Received    Feb. 06417.    TOC

Origin Opnav Washington (Director Naval Communica-Ser. No.3053


     C-1   Feb 17.

          23 D.


     3053. To relieve Cable and to train Radio Service for possible cessation Cable Service Radio may be used for routine and non-secret dispatches.

     Regular official daily schedule Tuckerton [NJ] to Gulf of Lyons, France and New Brunswick [NJ] to Rome, Italy now operative.

     Successful effect immediate French Communication Service will forward to you by land wire dispatch received by radio at Gulf of Lyons, France. If you approve arrange with Colonel Cartier Paris, France for forwarding your radio messages from Gulf of Lyons, France to America.

     In addition following scheme has been approved by this office and Bureau of Steam Engineering and suggested for your approval provided agreeable to Admiralty. Erect Trans-Atlantic Receiving Station on your Headquarters Building London, England equipped most modern American apparatus and Special Loop Aerial. American High Power Station will broadcast necessary number daily schedule of messages to you on pre-arranged tune. Through French Service you can ask for repeat or missing message or word.

Suggest you also arrange for French Station to intercept these messages and they could then assist in supplying missing messages on request from you. If above approved two specially trained Trans-Atlantic radio operators will be sent you immediately bringing apparatus with them which they can install. They will conduct receiving experiments to determine best time and tune for broadcast to you. If possible advise Captain Todd1 of above.2 18016.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Capt. David W. Todd, Director of Naval Communications.

Footnote 2: For more on allied radio communication, see: Sims to Opnav, 8 November 1917.

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