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Captain Nathan C. Twining, Chief of Staff for Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels


9 February 1918.       

From:     Force Commander.

To  :     Secretary of the Navy (Operations – Aviations)

SUBJECT:     Aviation – Weekly Report of Operations.

     1. ENGLAND.

          29 U.S.Naval Aviators have been distributed to the various British Patrol Stations in England or Scotland for duty in actual patrol flights in the anti-submarine campaign

              All student Naval Aviators continue to make excellent progress at the various stations to which they are attached.

     2. IRELAND . Queenstown.

          Lieut.P.J.Peyton, U.S.N.has assumed command of the U.S.Naval Aviation Station, Queenstown, Ireland.

          Commander F.R.McCrary, U.S.N. is en route to Ireland to assume command of all U.S.Naval Aviation Stations1

          Constructional work on the various stations in Ireland progressing in a satisfactory manner.

     3. FRANCE. – Dunkirk.

          17 Seaplanes are assembled.

          Constructional work continues in a satisfactory manner. Actual operations will begin at this station as soon as sufficient skilled personnel become available. These are now undergoing training at various points in England and France and it is expected that their training will have been completed by the first of March.


          Constructional work in progress.

          Nothing of interest to report.


          Constructional work in progress.

          Total number of flights for week – 4,

            "   time ...   ...   ...        20 hours.

          Le Croisic.

          Nothing of interest to report.

          Total number of flights for week  - 9

            "   time ...   ...   ...          8 hours 20 min.


          There are a total of 549 men now attached to the U.S. Naval Aviation Receiving and Assembly Base, Pauillac. Of these, 469 are available for general detail and will be transferred to the several Aviation stations as they are completed and commissioned.

          Ile Tudy.

          Constructional work in progress. Nothing of interest to report.


          Constructional work in progress.

/s/  N.C. TWINING 

Captain, U.S.Navy.

  Chief of Staff. 

Signed for Vice Admiral Sims

in his absence.   

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Lt. Paul J. Peyton and Lt. Frank R. McCrary.

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