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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


20 February 1918.       


Opnav 3118 (BOX) As soon as operations begin doubtless the enemey will attempt to destroy force engaged in mine laying period In addition to destroyers referred to am strongly impressed with necessity for adequate patrol of heavily armed vessels between barrage and enemy coast period Request this matter be given serious and immediate attention and we be informed as to measures to be taken1 12020


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document identifiers: “OP-9”; “OL 3118.”

Footnote 1: The British were planning to move twelve sloops from Queenstown to provide security for the mine layers. See: Lewis Bayly to Sims, 23 February 1918. In the end, ships from the British Grand Fleet provided security for the operation. Still, Crisis at Sea, 441.

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