The Navy Department Library
Adams, Henry A., Captain, USN
See Japan, Opening of
Adams, John Quincy, President of the United States
DS dated 1 February 1827. Appointing David B. Morgan a Midshipman in the U.S. Navy. Also signed by Samuel Southard, Secretary of the Navy.
Adams, Samuel
ALS dated 9 December 1784, Boston. To Elbridge Gerry. Adams recommends that Gerry assist Captain Landais in obtaining his monetary claim for serving as Commander of the Alliance.
Alden, James, Rear Admiral, USN
ALS dated 13 December 1871, Commanding European Fleet. To Captain Creighton of USS Guerriere, 1st Rate. Regarding an exchange of crew members between Guerriere and Wabash.
Ammen, Daniel, Rear Admiral, USN
Personal correspondence. 5 ALS, 1885 and 1886.
Argus, U.S. Brig
See Schaick, S. V.
Aylwin, William C.
DS dated 14 March 1822. Summoning Purser Thomas J. Chew to give testimony at Boston on 20 March 1822 at general court martial of Captain John Shaw, USN.
Babb, Benjamin, Jr.
Manuscript letter, undated, but prior to 26 November 1813, Nassau (Prison Ship), Chatham, England. Written for and in behalf of Babb who was a prisoner on board Nassau. To his brother (or cousin) in Barrington, New Hampshire. Requests assistance in obtaining proof of Babb's United States citizenship. See document signed by James Monroe, Secretary of State, on 26 November 1813 requesting similar documentation of Babb's citizenship.
Backus, John, 2d Lieutenant
Contemporary journal kept on board the U.S. privateer Saratoga, 16 November 1812-2 March 1813. Includes first person accounts of taking the British brig Rachel on 12 December 1812, the British ship Nelson on 31 January 1813, and a "King's Cutter" after a bloody battle on 9 February 1813. See Maclay's American Privateers, pp. 436- 37, for an account and a picture of Saratoga's action with Rachel. Journal was kept in a ledger book printed by Edmund Blunt.
Badger, George E., Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 31 May 1841. Accepting Commodore Charles Morris's resignation as member of the Board of Navy Commissioners.
2) DS dated 17 August 1841. Signs as testimony that the Chief Clerk's signature is valid. Circular forwards a certified copy of a medal presented to Stephen Decatur for his gallantry in the action with the British frigate Macedonian. (Medal not present.)
Bainbridge, William, Captain, USN
See also Chauncey, Isaac; Hull, Isaac; Morris, Charles; Porter, David
1) ALS dated 26 February 1794, Scarborough, Tobago. To Messrs. Jones and Clark in Charleston, South Carolina. Describing market and naval dispositions in the West Indies.
2) DS dated 30 June 1818. To Lieutenant Josiah Tattnall. Orders to report for duty on board the U.S. frigate Macedonian.
3) LS dated 29 September 1825, Washington City. Thanking Thomas Chew, Purser, USN, for his assistance.
4) LS dated 26 May 1827, Washington City. Vis-a-vis plans for British dock yards.
Barbary Wars
See also Schaick, S. V.
Original Arabic letters and papers found on board a Barbary vessel taken by a U.S. ship of war. Not translated.
Barney, Joshua, Captain, USN
1) DS dated 14 December 1782. Shipping document signed by Barney as Master of the ship General Washington.
2) ADS dated 26 April 1814. Receipt for 3 signal broad pendants made by Mrs. Sarah Stiles of Baltimore for "United States Flotilla, Commodore Barney. Approved. Joshua Barney."
Barron, James, Captain, USN
See also Kennedy, Edmund P.
LS dated 4 June 1834, Philadelphia Navy Yard. To Congressman Levi Lincoln. Thanking Lincoln for his efforts to improve naval officer pay and provide for support of widows and orphans of officers.
Barry, John, Captain, USN
See also Truxtun, Thomas
ALS dated 26 May 1797, Strawberry Hill, N.J. To Doctor John Bullus. Regarding Bullus's unsuccessful efforts to gain a commission as Surgeon's Mate.
Bartlett, Frank W., Captain, USN
TD. "Naval Yarns." Bartlett's naval adventures including a detailed account of USS Vesuvius, the "dynamite gun" ship and her participation in the Spanish-American War.
Biddle, James, Captain, USN
See also Columbus, U.S. Ship of the Line
LS dated 12 April 1828, from USS Boston at Montevideo. To William Tudor, Chargé d'Affaires of the United States at Rio de Janeiro. Transmits a list of vessels that have entered and left that country "in spite of the blockade." (List not present.)
Blake, George S., Commodore, USN
Personal correspondence. Approximately 200 documents and letters, 1817-1868. LS dated 20 February 1846 - shown here.
Blanchard, Abraham
ALS dated 10 February 1815, from USS Madison at Sackett's Harbor. To Thomas Chew, Purser, USN. Describes life on the lakes and refers to the crews of the ships Madison, Pike, and Mohawk.
Bonaparte, Charles, Secretary of the Navy
TLS dated 14 July 1905, Navy Department. Directs Lieutenant Commander Kaemmerby, USN, to examine machinery on vessels at Bath Iron Works.
Bowles, Francis T., Chief Constructor, USN
TLS dated 8 July 1902. To the Secretary of the Navy. Regarding auxiliary vessels similar to the British torpedo vessel Vulcan.
Bradford, R. H.
ALS dated 4 August 1830, Navy Department. Regarding surgeons.
Branch, John, Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 12 September 1829, Navy Department. To Commodore Charles Morris. Endorses an appointment of Morris's son as Acting Midshipman.
British Letter of Marque
Dated 22 October 1813, London. To John Banner, Commander of Swiftsure. To "seize and take the ships, vessels and goods belonging to the United States of America." (Folio document with the seal of George the Third attached.)
British Navy (Royal Navy)
1) Letter dated 25 May 1763, from Commissioners of the Navy. To Barrington. Soliciting 50,000 pounds sterling to pay off ships. Signed by C. Mason and R. Temple. (Temple was Commissioner of Revenue at New York in 1764.)
2) Broadside dated 30 June 1779. Order to the Chief Magistrate of the town of Timmouth to "take up" seafaring men for duty with His Majesty's Fleet. Constables to receive 20 shillings for each seaman delivered.
3) Document dated 4 December 1779. Commission appointing Lieutenant Goodwin Keats to the position of Fourth Lieutenant on HMS Prince George, by command of Their Lordships. Several signatures with seal and tax stamp.
4) Broadside. An authentic return of the killed and wounded on board His Majesty's ships in the actions with the French fleet on 28 and 29 May and 1 June 1794. Six small ship woodcuts at the head of the broadside.
Brooke, John F., Surgeon, USN
ALS dated 4 June 1842, USS Ohio, in the Mediterranean. Personal letter lamenting the lack of Congressional support for the Navy.
Brown, Thomas, Captain, USN
10 ALS dated 1819-1837. To and from members of his family. One letter includes contemporary account of Decatur-Barron duel.
Buchanan, Franklin, Captain, USN
ALS dated 11 September 1861, Washington Navy Yard. To Captain A. H. Foote. Concerning reports requested by Foote, and with Buchanan's laudatory comments on Foote's words regarding the Navy in that report.
Buchanan, James, The Honorable (as Senator)
ALS dated 15 January 1841, Washington. To James K. Paulding, Secretary of the Navy. Recommending William Talbot Truxtun for a Midshipman's warrant.
Buchanan, Thomas McKean, Lieutenant Commander, USN
ALS dated 28 November 1862, U.S. gunboat Calhoun, off "Brashir" City. To Major General B. F. Butler, Commanding, Department of the Gulf. Reporting recent action against the Rebels.
Burr, Aaron
See Stoddert, Benjamin
Thompson, Alexander
Butcher, George W.
Journal of the cruise of USS Ranger (3rd Rate), 27 November 1876- 24 February 1880, Philadelphia to San Francisco via China and Japan. Also some miscellaneous letters including a House of Representatives bill increasing Butcher's pension.
Byrd, Richard, Rear Admiral, USN
3 TLS dated 6 April 1928, 19 April 1928, and 5 September 1933, Boston. Regarding first and second Antarctic expeditions.
Cairo, U.S. Gunboat
See Yost, George R.
Cambreleng, Churchill C., U.S. Congressman and U.S. Ambassador to Russia.
AD, "Commercial Reciprocity and the American System."
Chandler, William E., Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 4 August 1882. To Congressman Samuel Cox. Regarding the trial of a constituent on the Asiatic Station.
2) TLS dated 23 June 1884. To Chief Engineer Montgomery Fletcher, USN. Ordering Fletcher to serve on a Board of Inspection.
Chatham, William Pitt, Lord
DS (Parchment) dated 18 September 1791. Appointing Lieutenant James Walker Second Lieutenant on HMS Winchilsea. Signed by Chatham, and Admirals Hood and Gardner.
Chauncey, Isaac, Captain, USN
1) ALS dated 9 February 1814, New York. To Commodore Bainbridge. Requesting assignment of an officer to Boston to recruit seamen for service on "the Lakes." War of 1812 content.
2) 4 ALS. 3 as Commander of the Navy Yard, New York (1826, 1827 and 1833). The fourth to Commodore Stewart at the Philadelphia Navy Yard dated 4 June 1839 regarding the Secretary of the Navy's direction to build a steamship.
3) ADS dated 5 May 1838, Navy Commissioner's Office. Outlines procedures for the requisition of rigging from the Rope Walk at the Charleston Navy Yard.
Civil War
See Donahue, Benedict; Morrison, John G.
Civil War (Atlantic Squadron Ordnance Schooners)
3 ALS from commanding officers (Gunner Fletcher of Henderson and S. Hunt of Daniel Williams) of ordnance schooners in the Atlantic Squadron. All to Lieutenant Commander Adams on the flagship Malvern.
Civil War Charts
1) Illustrating the capture of the Confederate vessel Cornubia by USS James Adger, 7 November 1863. 3 charts.
2) Illustrating the capture of the Confederate vessel Robert E. Lee by USS James Adger, 9 November 1863. 3 charts.
Civil War Correspondence
See also Craven, Thomas T.; Dahlgren, John A.; Green, Joseph F.;
Lee, S. Phillips; Patterson, Thomas H.; Scott, Gustavus H.; Turner, Thomas
4 ALS, Civil War period. All private correspondence. One from the flagship Hartford, Mobile Bay, 20 August 1864. Much naval content.
Civil War Document
AD dated 20 June 1865. Notarized order to pay William B. Allen shares for prizes taken at sea by USS Quaker City.
Civil War Naval Agent
Form letter dated 30 January 1865 from Joseph E. Devitt Co., Philadelphia. To Commanding Officer, USS Portland. Inquiring as to the whereabouts of William Buckley.
Civil War Naval Correspondence
3 ALS of Elisha Harsen, 2 ALS of Gunner John Fletcher, 1 ALS of John Harsen, dated 1862-1864, from the U.S. steamer Mahaska and the frigate Wabash. Much naval content.
Civil War Navy
See also Officers.
18 cacheted hand-painted envelopes commemorating naval events and leaders of the Civil War. One printed advertisement for a military and naval claim agency.
Clinton, Sir Henry, General
ALS dated 16 March 1781, New York. To Lord George Germain. Discussing Spanish designs on E. Florida, Cornwallis's defense of Pensacola against Spanish, General Frederick Haldimand, conditions in Canada and Halifax, and General McLean's state of health.
Colonial Correspondence
6 letters dated 1711-1775. Pre-Revolutionary War correspondence. Includes letters from Thomas Gage and Governor Hutchinson.
Columbus, U.S. Ship of the Line
1) Partially printed document dated 12 June 1844, on board USS Columbus. Discharging Charles M. Tripp.
2) Folio manuscript abstract of cruise around the world in Columbus bearing the broad pennant of Commodore Biddle, 1845-1848.
Confederate Army
Printed Document dated 26 July 1864, Headquarters Military District, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. Confederate Army Special Order 215. Ordering blockade running off Fort Anderson.
Confederate Navy
Partially Printed Document dated 28 July 1864. Allotting a portion of Harper Poe's pay to Elizabeth Poe while serving as a landsman on the Confederate ship Drewry under Lieutenant Wall.
Congress, U.S. Frigate
Watch, quarter, and station bill dated 16 November 1816. "Sailed from Boston for Mexico." Kept by Lieutenant John Gallagher.
Constellation, U.S. Frigate
See also Thompson, Alexander
1) AD dated 5 June 1799, Norfolk. Power of Attorney authorizing Thomas Dunn to collect the prize money of several Marine shipmates accruing to them while they were on board. Notarized by J. Nivison.
2) AD dated 29 June 1799. Power of Attorney for John Light, Quartermaster, to collect prize money due while serving under Thomas Truxtun.
Constellation, U.S. Sloop of War
Journal of a cruise to and from Annapolis, 13 June 1874- September 1874 while under the command of Commander K. R. Breese. Kept by G. F. Ormsby. Probably a Midshipman cruise journal as corrections are freely offered throughout journal.
Constitution, U.S. Frigate
See also Curtis, Asa
1) Partially printed plumbing bill receipt for work done on Constitution dated 14 August 1798, Boston. For payment received of Henry Jackson, Naval Agent.
2) Memo book of John M. Funck (Midshipman), Masters Mate, Fall 1809-Spring 1810. Details all enlisted personnel on board alphabetically and by watch, quarter, and station bill. Refers to John Rodgers (Commanding Officer) and Midshipman L. Kearney.
3) Sheet of reenlistment advance pay receipts preprinted for Constitution (c.1826)
Crane, William M., Captain, USN
ALS dated 23 October 1823, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. To Purser Thomas Chew, USN. Regarding purchase of razors.
Craven, Thomas T., Rear Admiral, USN
1) 63 LS dated 1861-1863 in Letterbook. Civil War correspondence including letters written on board Brooklyn to Admiral Farragut, in which Craven justifies his actions at the Battle of Vicksburg.
2) 11 LS dated 1862-1900. Civil War correspondence, including letters to his wife and addition letters on Brooklyn's course of action during the Battle of Vicksburg.
Crowninshield, Benjamin W., Secretary of the Navy
1) DS dated 5 September 1817, Navy Department. Orders for Surgeon Heap.
2) LS dated 29 December 1817. Directs payment of Navy bills in New Orleans.
3) ALS dated 2 September 1822, Salem. Regarding the privateer America.
Curtis, Asa, Gunner, USN
See also Monroe, James
This collection of 25 items dates approximately 1806 through 1850. Handwritten books, ledgers, accounts of ships' daily supply needs, recipes, clothing, seamanship, rigging instructions, "Plan of a Life Buoy", of January 1842, carbine exercises, awards for bravery and good conduct signed by Secretaries of the Navy J.Y. Mason and Samuel Southard, and C.O.'s of USS Delaware, Independence, etc., to Asa Curtis, who served on board USS Constitution during the capture of HMS Java.
1) DS dated 2 October 1822. Proof of citizenship document signed by Hohn Steele, Collector of the District of Philadelphia.
2) DS dated 2 March 1825. Warrant appointing Asa Curtis as a Gunner, signed by Secretary of the Navy Samuel Southard.
3) LS dated 26 December 1829. Letter from Charles Mayo, asking Asa Curtis to recommend him for the berth of Gunners Yeoman.
4) DS dated 6 January 1830. Leave of absence signed by John Branch, Secretary of the Navy.
5) DS dated 21 May 1831. Warrant for payment issued by the Treasury of the United States.
6) LS dated 3 June 1833. Letter of reference signed by James Barron at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy.
7) LS dated 9 March 1836. Letter of reference signed by Daniel Patturow from aboard US Ship Delaware.
8) ALS dated 24 October 1836. Asa Curtis' account of his service record to date.
9) ALS dated 1 April 1837. Letter written aboard USS Independence requesting a survey of three gun breechings deemed
unfit for service, followed by a written order by Captain William Jamesson for the survey. The second page confirms that the order had been carried out and is signed by the officers of the ship.
10) LS dated 14 August 1838. Order for Curtis to report to U.S. Naval Asylum, Philadelphia. Signed by M. Paulding.
11) LS dated 28 November 1838. Request from L.B. Banister and John Blight to accompany William Shuttleworth to Washington, D.C. to support the passage of a bill through Congress.
12) LS dated 18 December 1838. An update on the "Masters Bill," from William Shuttleworth.
13) LS dated 15 February 1839. Request for Curtis to be appointed Midshipman in the U.S. Navy.
14) LS dated 5 May 1839. From William Shuttleworth with an update on the progress of the "Warrant Officers Bill" through Congress.
15) LS dated 17 January 1840. From M. Paulding to James Biddle, acknowledging the request to appoint Curtis as Midshipman in the U.S. Navy.
16) LS dated 23 September 1841. From Robert Kirk regarding a dispute over a payment for repairs.
17) LS dated 21 June 1844. Letter of reference signed by James Armstrong aboard US Frigate Savannah.
18) LS dated 12 November 1844. Letter of reference from W.M. Crane to Secretary of the Navy J.Y. Mason.
19) LS dated 25 November 1845. To Asa Curtis from Michael Clear, attesting to his presence aboard the US Frigate Constitition during the capture of the British Frigates Guerriere and Java.
20) LS dated 13 September 1858, from Captain F. Forrest aboard Flag Ship St. Lawrence, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, announcing the death of Asa Curtis.
21) Two page record giving the dimensions of the decks, masts, etc. of U.S. Frigate United States, written in early 1800s.
22) Miniature portrait of Asa Curtis. Watercolor on ivory by Doyle, early 1800s.
23) Small personal log, 6"x8". Small pocket notebook type with fascinating recipes and required articles for fitting out ships in the early 1800s.
24) Personal log, 8"x10". Thick log book of characteristics, rules, regulations, seamanship, and handling of men-o-war in the early 1800s.
Dahlgren, John A., Rear Admiral, USN
1) AD. Autobiography. 290 pp.
2) LS dated 30 May 1863, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. To Lazell Perkins & Co. Dahlgren, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, requests a quote from Perkins on two styles of a wrought iron 150-pound gun to weigh 16,000 pounds. Letter includes sketches of what styles Perkins may choose from.
3) 7 LS, 1864-1865. Civil War correspondence as Commander South Atlantic Blockading Squadron.
4) Printed orders (more than 150). As Commander South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1864-1865.
Dale, Richard, Captain, USN
ALS dated 20 December 1801. To Honorable Robert Livingston, American Minister at Paris. Reports Dale has entered the inner port at Toulon where he intends to heave down ship.
Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 1914-1920. File of correspondence as Secretary of the Navy.
Darling, Charles H., Assistant Secretary of the Navy
TLS, dated 13 April 1903. Discusses Marine and Navy involvement in the 1903 New York Military Tournament.
Davis, Jefferson
LS dated 29 January 1841, Washington. To George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy. Recommends a Midshipman warrant for Robert Parker Richardson. Also signed by Steven Adams and R. W. Roberts.
Dawes, Robert A., Rear Admiral, USN
Journal, 1914, kept on board USS Elcano, Yangtze River.
Decatur, Stephen, Jr., Captain, USN
ALS dated 31 July 1815 on board USS Guerriere in the Bay of Tunis. To Albert Gallatin, Envoy Extraordinaire. Reporting action Decatur has taken to obtain payment for two vessels taken possession of by a British vessel.
Decatur, Susan
1) 2 ALS, 7 March 1826 and 16 March 1826, Washington. To Peter Force, Esq., editor of the National Journal. Both letters request insertion of a paragraph prepared by Mrs. Decatur requesting public support of claims on the capture of the frigate Philadelphia by her late husband.
2) ALS dated 24 February 1830, Union Hotel, Georgetown. To Congressman Tristam Burgess. Seeking his congressional assistance as an advocate for her claims for compensation regarding the recapture of the U.S. frigate Philadelphia.
3) Memorial of Susan Decatur (widow of Stephen Decatur) dated 13 February 1849, Georgetown. Regarding provisions for certain "ladies."
Denby, Edwin, Secretary of the Navy
1) TLS dated 5 May 1922. To Congresswoman Alice Robertson. Concerning her vote for the Navy Appropriation Bill.
2) TLS dated 25 January 1924. Regarding alleged efforts by the Office of Naval Intelligence to obtain secret access to the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of America.
Dewey, George, Admiral, USN
See also Pendleton, Charles H.
1) ALS dated 8 January 1876, Boston. To Commander Walker regarding cost of towing the schooner Van Duren.
2) Carbon of telegram received on the Hong Kong Station on "16-5-1898" (May 16). Quoting joint resolution of thanks from U.S. Congress following the Battle of Manila Bay. Signed "Long" (Secretary of the Navy). 4 pages.
3) TLS dated 3 March 1899, on flagship Olympia at Manila, P.I. To G. H. Pitts. Thanking him for a Manila guide book.
4) Signed receipt dated 22 May 1899. For a contribution to the Dewey Home Fund.
5) TLS dated 16 October 1903. To Rear Admiral Sigsbee. Concerning speaking engagement.
6) ALS dated 27 August 1906, Richfield Springs, New York. To J. W. Crawford.
7) LS dated 22 October 1906. To Rear Admiral Casper F. Goodrich. Concerning Goodrich's desire to be reassigned as Commandant of the Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
8) LS dated 21 July 1913. To Dr. Bullard. Thanking the doctor for a copy of an article entitled "The Philippine Question."
9) TLS dated 27 December 1911. To Rear Admiral Sigsbee. Thanking him for birthday wishes.
10) ALS dated 26 July 1912, Woodstock Inn. Regarding employment of a boy at his estate.
Dickerson, Mahlon, Secretary of the Navy
See also Pendleton, Charles H.
1) DS dated 1 November 1834. Concerning death of Thomas Johnson and pension for his widow.
2) LS dated 3 March 1835. To A. S. Clayton. Responding to an unspecified communication.
3) LS dated 31 October 1835. To James Canston. Regarding ships sunk in Baltimore.
4) LS dated 18 January 1836. To Commodore Crane at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, New Hampshire. Reporting the ordering of personnel to man Concord.
5) LS dated 13 May 1836. To Samuel Southard. Seeking support for building a storeship in Philadelphia.
6) LS dated 6 September 1837, Navy Department. To Mr. Etheridge, Esq., Navy Yard, Washington. Concerning the appointment of Mr. Spieden, a Purser in the Navy.
7) LS date 21 February 1838. To the President of the Commonwealth Bank of Boston. Regarding a duplicate pension certificate for Mrs. Abigail Bailey.
8) LS dated 26 March 1838. Directing Lieutenant Alberto Griffith to report to Commodore Ridgely on board the U.S. brig Washington.
Dobbin, James C., Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 20 February 1854, Navy Department. To Caleb Cushing, Attorney General. Regarding the purchase, care, preservation and transportation of provisions, and expenses for clothing.
2) LS dated 29 April 1856, Navy Department. To Brigadier General A. Henderson, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps. Directing him to provide a band at the President's house every Saturday afternoon.
3) LS dated 24 February 1857, Navy Department. To Assistant Surgeon Schrever. To convene a medical board in Philadelphia on 16 March 1857 to examine candidates for promotion in the Medical Corps.
Donahue, Benedict
7 LS, 2 December 1862-18 April 1864, while attached to the U.S. gunboat Mound City. Covering action from Yazoo to Vicksburg.
Dornin, Thomas A., Commodore, USN
LS dated 27 December 1862, Naval Station, Baltimore. To Commander Patterson, USS James Adger. Directing him to report to Dornin when Adger is ready to leave port for her station.
Drayton, Percival, Captain, USN
Orders dated 23 August 1864, on board the flagship Hartford, Mobile Bay. To Lieutenant Howison. To take Fort Morgan prisoners to New Orleans.
Dulany, Bladen, Captain, USN
2 LS dated 17 May 1852, Callao, and 19 April 1855, Norfolk. Each addressed to Midshipman Francis M. Ramsay. Laudatory of his performance on board the U.S. frigate St. Lawrence.
Du Pont, Samuel F., Rear Admiral, USN
LS dated 1 April 1863, Flagship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, South Carolina. To Commander T. H. Patterson, Commanding Officer, USS James Adger. To discharge a minor on board James Adger.
Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States
TLS dated 31 July 1959, the White House. Responding to Secretary of the Navy William B. Franke's recommendation for naming three SSBNs (nuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarines).
Elliott, Jesse D., Captain, USN
See Kennedy, Edmund P.
Emmons, George F., Rear Admiral, USN
See Lackawanna, U.S. Steam Sloop
English, Thomas Dunn (New York Courier)
ALS dated 26 June 1869, New York City. To George Robeson, Secretary of the Navy. Regarding the naming of Navy vessels. Also congratulates Robeson on his appointment.
Ericsson, John
1) ALS dated 22 October 1859. To "My Dear Sir." Regarding a "Mr. Riggs."
2) ALS dated 24 October 1864, New York. To Commodore John Rodgers. Encloses a paper and plans for a 13-inch naval gun.
Essex, U.S. Frigate
See Porter, David
Evans, James. Captain, USN
1) ALS dated 9 March 1822, U.S. Navy Yard, New York. Regarding bread samples to be furnished to the yard.
2) ALS dated 15 September 1823, U.S. Navy Yard, New York. Regarding an order for the monthly return of warrant officers.
Falmouth, U.S. Sloop of War
Journal, March 1834. From Meridian to Norfolk.
Farragut, David G., Admiral, USN
1) LS dated 30 October (no year), Brooklyn Navy Yard. In response to autograph and photograph request. On personal stationery signed as Vice Admiral.
2) ALS dated 29 July 1859, USS Brooklyn at Pensacola. To his wife.
3) LS dated 17 January 1864, on board USS Hartford at Pensacola. To Rear Admiral Porter (Commander Mississippi Squadron). Reports that Buchanan says he can raise the blockade at Mobile with only the ironclad ram Tennessee. Anxiously wants to know the status of completion of U.S. rams as he needs "at least" two in order to become the "assailant."
4) LS dated 12 July 1864, from his flagship, USS Tennessee, off Mobile Bay. To Fleet Surgeon Palmer at Pensacola.
Fendall, P. R., Jr.
4 ALS, 1851-1854. To his father. Each with details of his life in San Francisco. Apparently appointed by Farragut as a Superintendent of the Navy Yard there in 1854. Much on California life in the early 1850s.
Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State
DS dated 25 June 1869. To George Robeson. Forwarding earlier commission (not enclosed) as Secretary of the Navy.
Foote, Andrew H., Rear Admiral, USN
See also Welles, Gideon
1) ALS dated 26 November 1856, on board USS Portsmouth. To Dr. William Wood. Asks Dr. Wood to provide him a list of those killed and wounded belonging to the flagship as a result of attacks on Chinese forts.
2) 3 ALS, September 1861-June 1862. To Admiral C. H. Davis. Discusses contemporary Civil War naval matters and personal issues.
3) ALS dated 5 February 1862. To Commodore Walke of Carondelet. Giving Walke his ship's code pendant as "No. Two (2)."
4) ALS dated 24 December 1862 (while Foote is Chief of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting). To Commodore Walke on Carondelet. Requesting him to provide information on an individual.
5) DS dated 20 March 1863, Washington. Regarding a contract at the Charlestown Navy Yard.
6) ADS dated 7 May 1863, Washington. To Boston naval agent. Regarding payment for charter parties.
7) Civil War General Orders (7) issued by Foote as "Flag Officer Commanding U.S. Naval Forces in Western Waters," 1861.
Forrest, French C.
ALS dated 17 June 1862 (as Chief of Bureau of Confederate States Navy Department, Office of Orders and Detail). To Flag Officer Randolph, Commander at Mobile, Alabama. Regarding the arrest of Lieutenant Mills for alleged beating of John Collins.
Forrestal, James, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy.
1) ALS (undated). To Mrs. Halsey. Expressing sympathy at Admiral Halsey's death.
2) 2 TDS. Awards to Commander Hiram Cassidy for submarine gallantry during World War II.
Gilliss, John P., Commodore, USN
LS dated 9 May 1861, on board the U.S. steamer Pocahontas.
Appointing Henry Howroon a Lieutenant.
Glisson, Oliver S., Rear Admiral, USN
Fleet Captain's Journal, 10 August 1870-24 June 1871. Proceedings of the U.S. European Fleet under Glisson and later C. S. Boggs.
Goldsborough, Louis M., Rear Admiral, USN
1) LS dated 17 June 1856, as Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy. To Acting Midshipman J. L. Howison. Concerning leave of absence.
2) LS dated 2 April 1862, on board flagship Minnesota, Hampton Roads, Virginia. To Lieutenant Commander Patterson. With respect to the damaged gunboat Chowrie.
3) ALS dated 2 May 1862, on board flagship Minnesota. To Major General George McClellan. Responding to a request on preparing ten vessels to carry 13-inch mortars.
4) ALS dated 30 May 1865, at Washington, D.C. To Rear Admiral Charles Davis. Regarding charts for the European Squadron.
Graham, William A., Secretary of the Navy
2 PDS dated September and October 1850. Directs Midshipman Candidate Francis M. Ramsay to proceed to the Naval Academy and appoints Ramsay an Acting Midshipman.
Grant, Ulysses S., President of the United States
1) PDS dated 26 March 1869. Appointing William A. Kirkland a Commander. Signed also by Adolph Borie, Secretary of the Navy.
2) DS dated 17 March 1873. Appointing George Robeson Secretary of the Navy. Also signed by Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State.
Green, Joseph F., Captain, USN
26 LS, 1864, off Charleston. Civil War correspondence as Senior Officer, Charleston Blockade.
Greene, Charles H., Lieutenant Commander, USN
ALS dated 5 September 1861, USS Cumberland off Hatteras Inlet. To his niece. Reporting on the battle of Fort Hatteras. Includes a photograph of Greene and a piece of the Confederate flag that reportedly flew over Fort Hatteras.
ADS dated 24 October 1776, Halifax. Abstract of accounts for Revolutionary War repairs at Halifax, Fort Cumberland, and Fort Edward. Signed by William Spay, Commandant, Engineers.
Heap, L., Midshipman, USN
See Patterson, Daniel T.
Hemphill, Joseph N., Lieutenant, USN
15 AL, March 1870-January 1873. Correspondence with Lieutenant Hemphill while he was assigned to the U.S. steamship Plymouth. Indexed.
Henshaw, David, Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 2 October 1843. Grants General Henderson, USMC, authority to procure a library for Marine Corps Headquarters.
Herbert, Hilary A., Secretary of the Navy
1) TLS dated 29 January 1895. To Daughters of the American Revolution. Regarding their efforts to raise funds to purchase a loving cup for the U.S. battleship Indiana.
2) TDS dated 25 March 1895, Navy Department, Washington. Orders Pay Director Cosby to take examinations preliminary to promotion.
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, Naval Constructor, USN
ALS dated 12 July 1898, USFS New York, off Santiago de Cuba. Mentions efforts to raise and save the Cristobal Colon.
Holland, John P.
12 blueprints and one original engineers' drawing (on linen) of the submarine Plunger and two submerging torpedo boats (1892-1897).
Howe, Lord (Richard), Admiral, RN
See also Piloting Directions, Revolutionary War
1) ALS dated 10 November 1776. To Captain Andrew S. Hammond, Commanding HMS Roebuck in the North River. Regarding Hammond's encounters with the rebels. Several mild rebukes.
2) DS dated 15 September 1785. Orders to Commander in Chief of His Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean. Signed by Howe et al.
Howell, John C., Rear Admiral, USN
Journal, 1879-1881. Dispatches from Howell while commanding U.S. Naval Forces on European Station.
Hull, Isaac, Captain, USN
See also United States, U.S. Frigate
1) ALS dated 12 May 1819, Boston. To Samuel Dana, Esq., Middletown, Connecticut. Concerning Hull's finances.
2) ALS dated 4 June 1819, at the "Navy Yard." To Commodore Bainbridge. Regarding a "74 now building in the yard."
3) 6 ALS while on the frigate United States. All to William Tudor, U.S. Consul to Peru.
a) 4 June 1824. Requests Tudor's opinion on papers relative to the "blockade."
b) 18 June 1824. Tells Tudor that situation for U.S. citizens is getting tense. He recommends they come aboard United States.
c) 12 October 1824. Requests Tudor to come aboard.
d) 10 July 1826, Callao Bay. Reports he has read Tudor's letter about armed seizure of American merchantman Herald and proposes to provide American merchants with assistance for their defense.
e) 19 July 1826, Callao Bay. More on the subject of Herald.
f) 19 November 1826, Callao Bay. Tells Tudor that reports that Jefferson and Adams are dead are true; that a salute shall be fired and flags lowered to half mast "this day at 12 o'clock."
4) ALS dated "Tuesday, 23rd" (no month, no year), Boston.
To Thomas Chew, Esq., USN. Congratulates Chew on obtaining a Washington assignment and thanks him for inquiring about Hull's health.
Humphreys, Joshua, Naval Constructor, USN
See United States, U.S. Frigate
Hunter, William D., Commander, USN
ALS dated 8 June 1855, Norfolk. To Midshipman Francis M. Ramsay, USN. Regarding his fine performance while serving in USS St. Lawrence.
Hutchins, Charles T., Commander, USN
28 Documents. To Hutchins. Most associated with the period when he was Commanding Officer of the Hydrographic Survey Ship Thetis. Includes report of Thetis's operations during a 1894-1895 survey of the west coast of Lower California.
Jackson, Andrew, President of the United States
1) DS dated 18 June 1831. To Robert L. Browning. Appointing him a Passed Midshipman in the Navy of the United States. Also signed by Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Navy.
2) DS dated 16 February 1832. Midshipman's appointment for John A. Jarvis. Also signed by Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Navy.
Jamestown, USS
See Skinner, Charles William
Japan, Opening of
Collection of documents including:
1) 17 page draft from Captain Henry A. Adams to Commodore Matthew C. Perry.
2) 23 pages of "Notes of conferences at Simoda [Shimoda]," dated 1 February 1855.
3) Memo dated 20 February 1855.
4) List of presents for the Emperor.
5) 2 Chinese "cards" of August 1873.
6) Map of Kama Koura.
7) ALS dated 7 April 1852 from Commodore Perry to Captain Adams.
8) LS dated 12 July 1856 from Baynard Taylor to Captain Henry A. Adams.
9) LS dated 9 January 1855 from Joel Abbot to Captain Adams.
10) Japanese "letter with presents."
11) Small sheet with various notes.
Java, U.S. Frigate
See Perry, Oliver Hazard
Jeffries, David
ALS dated 26 September 1782, Boston. To Joshua Wentworth. "I heard yesterday that Gen. Washington writes that 12 Sail of Brittish Line and some transports were to sail as on last Tuesday--I also heard that the Refugees and Tories were going to Nova Scotia. . . ."
Jellicoe, Admiral Lord of the Fleet, Royal Navy
ALS dated 18 December 1921, Government House, Wellington, New Zealand. To Mr. Close. Regarding Jutland and actions of the British and German fleets.
Johnson, Andrew, President of the United States
1) DS dated 26 July 1866. Appointment of John W. Phillip as a Lieutenant Commander. Also signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
2) DS dated 26 July 1866. Appointment of Francis M. Ramsay as a Commander. Also signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
3) DS dated 2 March 1867. Appointment of Albert G. Clary as a Captain. Also signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
Johnson, Philip C., Lieutenant, USN
ALS dated 1 May 1862, on board USS Portsmouth. Describes the action at New Orleans and the passing of the forts.
Jones, John Paul, Captain, Continental Navy
1) Fragment of ledger for "Account current with the Chevalier Paul Jones" (entries for 1 November 1777 and 3 February 1778).
2) Calling cards of various members of the Russian Court, European ministries, and partisans. Includes an invitaion to Jones to dinner in 1790.
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, Captain, USN
See also Mason, John Y.
ALS dated 8 April 1826, from USS Peacock in Callao Roads. To William Tudor, Esq. Describes differences in expenses and cash outlays in Peru between United States and more lightly manned British vessels.
Kearney, Lawrence, Commodore, USN
ALS dated 22 June 1841, on board U.S. frigate Constellation at Saldanha Bay. Directs a medical survey of two sailors. On the same letter are:
a) A response from the Fleet Surgeon, Stephen Rapalje. Countersigned by Commodore Kearney.
b) A further note on the same subject. To Commodore Long commanding USS Boston. Signed by Surgeon Robert J. Dodd and Assistant Surgeon J.W.B. Greenhow.
Kennedy, Edmund P., Captain, USN
ALS dated 18 December 1828, Norfolk. To Captain Jesse Elliott. Laments Commodore Barron's refusal to take command of the Pacific Squadron.
Knies, Michael, Lieutenant, Continental Navy
22 letters and documents dated 1782 and 1783. Revolutionary War naval manuscripts. Many relate to Knies' court martial by Captain Samuel Nicholson while attached to the Continental frigate Deane.
Lackawanna, U.S. Steam Sloop
Journal, 18 January 1863-29 April 1865. During this period J. B. Marchand was the Commanding Officer until 27 November 1864, followed by G. F. Emmons. Journal appears not to have been kept by either commanding officer, but by others. Some signatures. Account of blockading off Mobile Bay and Galveston including captures of prizes. Detailed account of ship preparations for Battle of Mobile Bay. Description of battle itself (5 August 1864), including addresses of Farragut and Buchanan. Account of the run of the rebel ram Webb down the Mississippi. Reverse of journal contains:
1) Handwritten General Order Number 10 from Farragut for preparations of ships for Mobile Bay.
2) Description of Rebel ram Tennessee and her surrender.
Lee, S. Phillips, Rear Admiral, USN
Civil War correspondence (9 pieces).
Letters of Marque (Revolutionary War)
Manuscript document dated, "In Congress, Nov 10th 1780." Signed by Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Continental Congress. Sets forth rules to deal with the abuse the British make of Letters of Marque they capture in American prizes.
Letter of Marque (War of 1812)
Dated 22 December 1814. Commissioning the private armed schooner Lucy of 25 tons and commanded by Perez Drinkwater to seize and take British vessels. Unsigned by either the President or Secretary of State.
Lincoln, Abraham, President of the United States
1) DS dated 1 June 1861. Appoints John Woodward Philip a Midshipman. Also signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
2) DS dated 2 December 1864, Executive Mansion, Washington. To Major General Banks directing him to get on with advancing the new state government of Louisiana.
Lincoln, Benjamin
DS dated 19 March 1800, Boston. Certifies Samuel Phipps an American seaman and citizen.
Long, John D., Secretary of the Navy
1) TLS dated 18 November 1898, Navy Department, Office of the Secretary. Regarding a burial ground fence proposed for the men of the Maine.
2) ALS dated 6 September 1899, Bucksfield, Maine. Regarding the future assignment of Commodore Winslow.
Louisbourg Expedition, 1745
See Saunders, Thomas
Luce, Stephen B., Rear Admiral, USN
1) ALS dated 19 August 1879, USS Minnesota. To "Sul. Townsend." Inviting him to visit the ship.
2) 2 ALS dated 28 August and 2 September 1881, U.S. school ship New Hampshire, Newport, Rhode Island. To Rear Admiral Howison. Regarding the gunnery ship Minnesota, command opportunity, and referring to Admiral Porter.
3) ALS dated 6 June 1887, flagship Richmond, North Atlantic Squadron. Inquiring as to a location near Portland where Navy men could land for a week of instruction.
4) ALS dated 7 January 1914, 15 Francis Street, Newport, Rhode Island. To Mrs. Ferris. Regarding Luce's earlier published collection of sea songs.
Macedonian, U.S. Frigate
See McRae, A.
Mack, Eugene, Gunner, USN
31 letters and documents dated 1849-1882. Consist of papers related to his naval career. Numerous orders, his commission signed by President Millard Fillmore, etc.
Macdonough, Ann
ALS dated 15 July 1823, Middletown. To unknown correspondent. Making payment on a bill. (Ann Macdonough was the wife of Captain Thomas Macdonough.)
Macdonough, Thomas, Captain, USN
See also Tingey, Thomas
ALS dated 16 October 1803. To Commodore Edward Preble. Explaining the "escape" of one John Tuck while ashore for fresh provisions.
ADS dated 30 May 1812, Middletown [Connecticut]. Receipt of $79.20 for half pay as a Lieutenant in the Navy from 26 January to 25 May 1812.
ALS dated 21 June 1824, Navy Yard, New York. To Samuel Southard, Secretary of the Navy. Regarding Moses Wilson who seeks an appointment as a Midshipman.
McHenry, James, Secretary of War
See United States, U.S. Frigate
McKeever, Isaac, Captain, USN
ALS dated 27 July 1829, Baltimore. To John Branch, Secretary of the Navy. Presenting his nephew Edwin DeHaven as a candidate for a Midshipman's warrant.
MacRae, Archibald, Midshipman, USN
Journal (c. 1842) kept on board Macedonian while with the West India Squadron.
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, Rear Admiral, USN
Personal correspondence (8 ALS, 1 TLS and 2 ANS). Spanning the period 1860-1914.
Mallory, Stephen R., Secretary of the Confederate Navy
2 LS dated 10 January 1862 and 23 January 1865, Richmond. Regarding a bounty for recruiting enlisted sailors.
Marchand, John B., Commodore, USN
See Lackawanna, U.S. Steam Sloop
Marine Corps, U.S.
See Dobbin, James C.
Henshaw, David
Mason, John Y.
Preston, William Ballard
Southard, Samuel
Toucey, Isaac
Welles, Gideon
Marion, USS
Internal regulations of the U.S. Ship Marion, William Belt, Commander, c.1839-1840. Attached to Lieutenant William Pearson's copy. NEEDS VERIFICATION.
Mason, John Y., Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 27 February 1845, Navy Department. To Commodore Thomas ap Catesby Jones. Regarding Jones's interest in the Territorial Government of Oregon.
2) LS dated 19 May 1847, Navy Department. To Commodore Charles Morris. Accepting his resignation as Chief of the Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair.
3) LS dated 20 January 1848, Navy Department. To James H. Cansten, Washington, D.C. Regarding the claim of Master John Quinn.
4) ADS dated 30 September 1848. Disability pension for John McCargow, Quartermaster, USN.
5) LS dated 11 December 1848, Navy Department. To Brigadier General A. Henderson, Commandant. Authorizes repairs to the Marine Barracks at the Washington Navy Yard.
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, Commander, USN
1) ALS dated 13 February 1835, Fredericksburg, Virginia. To Messrs. Cary, Lea & Co., Philadelphia. Regarding publishing his manuscript, "A New Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Navigation."
2) ALS dated 10 May 1849, Washington Observatory. Acceptance of a social invitation.
3) 44 letters and documents dated between 18 December 1862 and 13 August 1873. From or relating to Maury during and immediately after the Civil War.
Mayo, Isaac, Captain, USN
1) 2 journals.
a) Private journal at sea, 1826-1830.
b) Private journal while commanding U.S. Forces, West Coast of Africa, 1853.
2) Letter Book Number 1. Private letters from 1809 to 1830 (incomplete).
Mediterranean Squadron
See Thompson, Alexander
Merchant Marine, American
Document dated 18 December 1810. Affidavit issued by the Special Justice of the Peace, New York. Signed by 3 British seamen recounting their "crimping" from British merchant vessels.
Minnesota, U.S. Steam Frigate
Journal of a cruise, 1 March 1859 (at sea) to 3 June 1859 (Boston), via Cape of Good Hope. "Log of the USS Minnesota, vol. III." Kept by Charles I. Graves, Georgia. Last page notes, "put out of commission. S. F. Du Pont, Capt."
Monongahela, USS
Journal, 1877-1878, New York to Shanghai, China. Author unknown.
Monroe, James, Secretary of State
See also Babb, Benjamin, Jr., Curtis, Asa
1) LS dated 26 June 1812, Department of State. To the collector of the Port of Savannah. Encloses blank commissions #131-140 (not present) for Letters of Marque. With manuscript instructions for executing commissions.
2) DS dated 26 November 1813. Requests confirmation of United States citizenship in the case of Benjamin Babb of Barrington, New Hampshire. Babb was impressed into the British Navy and is then a prisoner at Chatham, England.
3) DS dated 21 January 1814. Directs Customs Collector at Marblehead to revoke commissions for private armed vessels with complements less than 20 men and issue no more to vessels so manned.
4) DS dated 4 March 1823. To Robert L. Browning. Appointing him a Midshipman in the Navy. Also signed by Samuel Southard, Secretary of the Navy.
5) DS dated 1 March 1825. Appointing Asa Curtis a Gunner in the United States Navy. Also signed by Samuel Southard, Secretary of the Navy.
Morgan, Charles W., Captain, USN
LS dated 3 November 1849, on board USS Independence at the Bay of Spezia. To Captain John Long of USS Mississippi. Regarding the demands of a Purser.
Morgan, George E., Midshipman, USN
ALS dated 1 March 1846, on board the U.S. schooner Shark at Mazatlan, Mexico. To Moses P. Hatch. Much about the current cruise around South America and to the Sandwich Islands. Emphasis on political climate in Peru and Mexico.
Morris, Charles, Captain, USN
See also Badger, George E.
Branch, John
Mason, John Y.
Rodgers, John
Southard, Samuel
Thompson, Smith
1) ANS (undated). To the Secretary of the Navy. Regarding his son's request of an appointment as a Midshipman.
2) ALS dated 28 October 1822, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. To Purser T. Chew, Brooklyn. Personal issues.
3) LS dated 1 September 1828, Navy Yard, Charlestown. To Commodore Bainbridge, Philadelphia Naval Ship Yard. Regarding the slow improvements made at the yard and the lack of funding for them.
4) DS dated 25 July 1840, Navy Commissioner's Office. To Commodore Charles Stewart. Circular regarding the classification of various skills required at Navy Yards.
Morrison, John G.
1) Diary, 1861-1862. Kept while on board the U.S. gunboat Carondelet, Mississippi Squadron.
2) Journal, September 1862-June 1863. Kept while on board U.S. riverboats on the Mississippi River. Begins in U.S. gunboat Carondelet.
Murray, Alexander, Captain, USN
2 ALS dated 15 May and 17 June 1862, USS Sebago. To T. H. Patterson, Commander of Currituck. The first regards repositioning of Patterson's ship; the second is a letter of instruction as Murray prepares for a "relaxation from duty."
2) ALS dated 17 June 1862
Musgrave, William Lebanon
27 LS. To Miss Anne Virginia David. Primarily from the Civil War period while Musgrave was attached to the U.S. gunboat Chippewa.
Naile, Frederick I., Midshipman, USN
Log of a cruise in the U.S. frigate St. Lawrence, 21 June 1861-17 December 1861, .
Dated 8 February 1862.
New London, U.S. Steamer
See Read, Abner, Captain, USN
Nicholson, Samuel, Captain, USN
See Knies, Michael
Nicholson, Somerville, Captain, USN
See also Reynolds, William
1) LS dated 28 May 1865, USS Galatea, Cape Haytien. To Commander T. Patterson. Reporting results of visit to Haiti pursuant to the request of the American Consul.
2) DS dated 5 August 1862. Appointment to Lieutenant Commander. Signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
3) DS dated 1 July 1870. Appointment to Captain. Signed by John Rodgers.
Nimitz, Chester, Fleet Admiral, USN
TLS dated 20 April 1944 as Commander in Chief, Pacific. To Arthur W. Sevens, President, Automobile Safety Association. Questions the value of increasing downward visibility in aircraft so pilots can see more of the terrain or water.
Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps who tendered their resignations during the early part of the Civil War and were dropped from the rolls.
Five sheets (folio). Identifying U.S. naval officers who resigned in 1861 and 1862, many of whom joined the Confederate Navy; e.g., Franklin Buchanan and Matthew Maury.
Ohio, USS
See Brooke, John.
Patterson, Daniel T., Captain, USN
Personal correspondence dated 1831-1833, USS John Adams. To Patterson while commanding the U.S. Mediterranean Squadron.
1) ALS. From L. Heap, Midshipman, USN.
2) ALS. From George W. Randolph, Midshipman, USN.
3) ALS. From P. F. Voorhees, Captain, USN.
4) ALS. From John Weems, Midshipman, USN.
5) Manuscript document, 1833, Port Mahon. List of quarantined food on board USS John Adams.
Patterson, Robert J., USN
Diary kept on board USS Jamestown while on the East India, China and Japan Stations, 1862-1865,
Patterson, Thomas H., Captain, USN
60 Civil War letters and documents received while serving with the U.S. Blockading Force off South Carolina.
Paulding, Hiram, Captain, USN
1) ADS dated 31 August 1834, off "Beyrout." Monthly return of officers and crew of the schooner Shark, H. Paulding, Commander.
2) Journal, 3 September 1850-12 November 1850, on board the frigate St. Lawrence.
3) ALS dated 26 July 1853, Navy Yard, Washington. To The Honorable C. C. Cambreleng. Offering condolences upon the death of a friend.
4) Letter book, 26 July 1855-26 March 1857, frigate Potomac.
5) Muster roll, 15 August 1855, frigate Potomac.
6) Journal, 31 August 1855-22 February 1858, frigate Potomac.
7) LS dated 27 May 1869, U.S. Naval Academy, as President of the Board of Visitors. To General J. R. Hawley. Regarding examining the various departments at the Naval Academy.
Paulding, James K., Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 13 August 1838, Navy Department. To John Rolfe, Brooklyn. Regarding interference of the draining of the City of Brooklyn caused by projected Public Works projects at Wallabout Bay.
Pay Records
A fragment of wall paper containing what appears to be Navy or Merchant Marine pay records (or possibly a bill incurred by an American vessel in a Spanish port for services).
Peary, Robert E., Rear Admiral, USN
10 ALS dated 1897-1912 (personal correspondence, including a letter dated 28 August 1899 from Ebath, Greenland).
Pendergrast, Garrett J., Captain, USN
ALS dated 7 March 1846. To Lieutenant George Blake. Referring to his conduct in "B. Syran"(?) Blockade.
Pendleton, Charles H., Master, USN
ALS dated 28 November 1866, on board flagship Colorado. To Rear Admiral L. M. Goldsborough. Requesting an investigation be made of his relief as Officer of the Deck on that ship by Lieutenant Commander George Dewey. With forwarding signature of Dewey.
Perry, Matthew Calbraith, Captain, USN
See also Japan, Opening of
1) ALS dated 9 January 1835, Navy Yard. To Congressman Charles G. Ferris. Regarding the Navy Bill, his three year cruise, etc. Denounces Congress for not allowing reimbursement of money he spent.
2) ALS dated 4 April 1839, Washington, D.C. To Captain Thomas Stephens, USN, Philadelphia. Regarding Perry's efforts to establish a naval school of gunnery.
3) ALS dated 8 July 1847, USS Mississippi. To his daughter, J. B. ("Belle") Perry.
Perry, Mrs. Oliver Hazard
ALS dated 29 August 1819 (and continued on 2 September 1819), Newport. To her husband on board the U.S. frigate John Adams. Lots of family news and much concern for Perry's health.
Perry, Oliver Hazard, Captain, USN
1) ADS dated 30 July 1815. Requisition for coal for the U.S. frigate Java.
2) ALS dated 3 September 1815, USS Java, Hampton Roads. To L. Tazewell. Congratulating him on the successful termination of the Algerine War.
3) ADS (undated). For $500.00, recruiting funds for the U.S. frigate Java.
Philip, John N., Rear Admiral, USN
1) Journal, 1857-1861, U.S. Naval Academy.
2) Private journal, March 1865-November 1865, USS Wachosett.
Pierce, Franklin, President of the United States
DS dated 20 June 1856. Appointing William A. Kirkland a Passed Midshipman in the United States Navy. Signed also by J. C. Dobbin, Secretary of the Navy.
Piloting Directions, Revolutionary War.
ADS dated "Eagle 1776." Directions for Nantucket Shoals. With the annotation: "Delivered out by Lord Howe-- from the late surveys."
Pinkney, Ninian, Surgeon, USN
ALS dated 18 November 1852, Naval Academy, Annapolis. To Thomas Harris, Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington. Regarding a memorial in support of Navy medicine he intends to send to Congress.
Polk, James, President of the United States
DS dated 15 July 1845. Appointment of Somerville Nicholson to Passed Midshipman. Also signed by George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy.
Poor, Charles H., Lieutenant, USN
ALS dated 19 April 1855, Norfolk. To Midshipman Francis M. Ramsay. Laudatory of Ramsay's performance on board the U.S. frigate St. Lawrence.
Porter, David, Captain, USN
See also Sicard, Stephen
Thompson, Smith
1) ALS (undated), on board USS John Adams. To the Secretary of the Navy. Reporting money drawn on account.
2) ALS dated 8 September 1812, "US Frigate Essex mouth of the Delaware Bay." To Commodore Bainbridge in Boston. This may be the earliest account of Porter's Atlantic Cruise during which he became the first American captain to capture a British ship of war, HMS Alert, during the War of 1812. He also reports capturing 8 merchant vessels and burning 2 others, and taking 220 prisoners. The letter estimates prizes at "$300,000."
3) Letter dated 17 September 1817, Philadelphia. To Porter from "S. Caillade" (Taillade?).
4) LS dated 26 March 1825. Certifying that John Weems served for "upwards of a year" as Midshipman under Porter and was deserving of a "Warrant."
Porter, David D., Rear Admiral, USN
See also Welles, Gideon
1) Personal correspondence. 32 letters and documents dated 1846-1890.
2) 9 manuscript General Orders, signed while commanding the Mississippi Squadron during the Civil War
a) General Order 1 dated 16 October 1862. Directs all ships to provide a listing of officers on board.
b) General Order 17 dated 10 November 1862. Requires Paymasters to identify personnel transferred from their ships to the hospital.
c) General Order 23 dated 22 December 1862. "Commanders of vessels will not forward any resignations until I notify them."
d) General Order 24 dated 29 December 1862. Officers shall not go further from the boat than the bank or next ships.
e) General Order 31 dated 17 January 1863. Requires Commanding Officers to forward on the 1st of each month a list of contraband on board their vessels.
f) General Order 32 dated 21 January 1863. Directs the retention of all arms, munitions, or other prizes of war until further orders; if the Army wants them, "Commanders will take full receipts."
g) General Order 34 dated 8 February 1863. Tells Commanding Officers how to handle Army personnel who are being assigned to fill vacancies.
h) General Order 37 dated 6 March 1863. Directs that the tonnage of vessels be reported.
i) General Order 38 (undated). Commanding Officers will order white covers (for the tops of crew caps) to be made ready for summer.
3) DS (undated). Night orders for the Yazoo River. Porter's Civil War orders to the Squadron of Gunboats stationed on the Yazoo respecting guard duty, lookouts, signals, etc. during the night and during conditions of low visibility.
4) DS dated 8 March 1863. Orders "to the officers commanding the Vessels above" (further up the Yazoo). Tells Commanding Officers that due to strengthening currents to fasten all ships well to the shore.
5) DS dated 5 July 1863. Charges and specifications preferred by Lieutenant J. A. Greer, Commanding, USS Benton, against J. R. Burgoyne.
Porter, Henry O., Midshipman, USN
Journal of a cruise to the Mediterranean, 28 June 1841-5 January 1845 (in two parts).
1) Part I on the U.S. frigate Brandywine, 44 guns, Captain David Geisenger.
2) Part II on USS Fairfield, 24 guns, first under W. C. Nicholson; then, on 23 September 1843, "to the inexpressible delight of H. O. Porter," Samuel W. Downing assumed command.
Potomac, U.S. Frigate
See Paulding, Hiram.
Preble, Edward, Captain, USN
1) ALS dated 31 March 1803, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. To James Deering. Regarding business and financial matters.
2) LS dated 15 December 1804, Naples. To James Cathcart, Leghorn. Recapping situation as Preble prepares to return to the United States following operations against Tripoli.
Preston, William Ballard, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 18 June 1849. To Commandant of the Marine Corps Preston. Authorizing the purchase of instruments for the Marine Band.
2) LS dated 26 June 1849. To Commander William M. Glendy, on board Ontario. Ordering him to transfer all his recruits to New York.
3) DS dated 24 June 1850, Navy Department. To Commodore William Bradford Shubrick. Ordering him to assume command of the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
4) DS dated 24 June 1850. Certifying Montgomery Fletcher a Third Assistant Engineer in the U.S. Navy.
Princeton, USS
See Woodbury, Levi, United States Senator
Prizes, British
1) manuscript list of vessels taken or detained by HMS Indefatigable between 9 November 1807 and 11 December 1808. Signed by Captain Redd.
2) Manuscript list of prizes taken by the British Channel Fleet under Lord Gambier between 10 May 1808 and 6 February 1809.
Radford, William, Rear Admiral, USN
Journal, January 1869-July 1870. Proceedings of the U.S. European Squadron under Radford's command.
Ramsay, Francis M., Rear Admiral, USN
See Dulany, Bladen
Graham, William A.
Hunter, William D.
Johnson, Andrew
Poor, Charles H.
Randolph, George W., Midshipman, USN
See Patterson, Daniel T.
Ranger, Continental Navy Ship
Report of the Committee of Claims (House) dated 26 December 1796. regarding the petition of William Parsons for wages due while serving on board Ranger.
Ranger, USS (3rd Rate)
See Belcher, George W.
Read, Abner, Captain, USN
See also Welles, Gideon
1) Orders dated 18 October 1861. To command of the U.S. steamer New London. Signed by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
2) Diary (appears to have been written as a compilation on or after 12 April 1862). Includes part of a one-page letter to his wife discussing prize money. Diary lists prizes taken by Read between 21 November 1861 and 12 April 1862, and relates conflicts with rebel gunboats.
3) Manuscript Joint resolution by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio thanking Captain Abner Read, Commanding Officer of New London, for his "patriotism, his gallantry, and his distinguished services against the enemies of his country." Signed by Governor Todd of Ohio forwarding the Joint Resolution and adding his highest regard and best wishes.
4) Document dated 18 April 1863. Promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Read was then Commander of New London.
Read, George (Signer of Declaration of Independence)
ADS. Regarding a complaint against Captain Whipple by Robert Cainmuis, Lieutenant of Marines in Columbus. Heard in the Marine Committee, 10 July 1776.
Read, George C., Captain, USN
1) ALS dated 17 February 1817, Philadelphia Navy Yard. To Benjamin Crowninshield, Secretary of the Navy. Explains the hardships of several midshipmen lately under his command in Chippewa, and asking permission to publish his letter to the Navy Department on the subject of the loss of that ship.
2) ALS dated 18 April 1844, Philadelphia Navy Yard. To Lieutenant A. H. Foote, U.S. frigate Cumberland. Regarding the delivery of $300.00 to the mother of one of his former Navy clerks who lives in Mahon.
3) ALS dated 13 May 1844, Philadelphia. To John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy. Regarding military assistance provided to the Mayor and Sheriff "to aid the civil authorities in the late troubles in this city."
Reid, Samuel C.
ALS dated 30 April 1845. Regarding his application for a Purser's post on board Vandalia. Accompanied by 4 supporting letters. Most refer to Reid's courageous performance while in command of the privateer General Armstrong during the War of 1812.
Revolutionary War
1) Document dated 29 December 1777. Power of attorney to collect prize money for John Pratt, Yeoman, late of the privateer Phoenix, now belonging to the privateer General Arnold.
2) Document dated 1783. Military warrant number 1200, Virginia Land Office. Awarding Lewis Jones, former Lieutenant, Virginia State Navy, land in consideration of his services during the Revolutionary War.
Reynolds, William, Captain, USN
ALS (undated--"late Saturday night"), Allegheny. To Somerville Nicholson. Long, newsy letter.
Robeson, George, Secretary of the Navy
See also Fish, Hamilton
Grant, Ulysses
1) LS dated 29 August 1871, Navy Department. To William Hackett, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Regarding service in the volunteer Navy.
2) LS dated 11 November 1875, Navy Department, Washington. To Commander R. W. Meade. Directing him to report as a member of a board.
Rodgers, John, Captain, USN
See also Constitution, U.S. Frigate
1) LS dated 5 October 1820. To Captain Charles Morris, Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Navy Yard. Regarding the fitting of bridle ports and ballast to a schooner.
2) LS dated 16 October 1820. To Captain Charles Morris, Portsmouth Navy Yard. Regarding the acceptance testing of anchors.
3) LS dated 8 June 1831. To Captain John D. Henley, Commandant, Portsmouth Navy Yard. Granting permission to acquire two additional oxen.
4) LS dated 5 July 1833. To Commodore W. M. Crane, Commandant, Portsmouth Navy Yard. Forwarding July 1833 copy of "Military and Naval Magazine."
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Assistant Secretary of the Navy
1) TLS dated 22 October 1913. Granting leave without pay to three Washington Navy Yard employees to accompany the Fleet to Europe.
2) TLS dated 11 November 1913. Requesting sample of manganese bought from the Gun Factory.
3) TLS dated 13 November 1913. To Edward Ford. Offering $400.00 for a group of naval manuscripts.
4) TLS dated 5 December 1913. To C. M. Howard. Concerning a trip, and support for more battleships.
5) TLS dated 13 July 1914. Directing the Commandant, Washington Navy Yard to assist in testing a batch of zinc.
6) TLS dated 21 April 1915. Approval of pay for two days for a Mr. Lantz.
7) TLS dated 16 October 1917. To Commandant, Navy Yard. Requesting his assistance in a project for the Department of Labor.
8) TLS dated 11 January 1918. To Commandant, Navy Yard. Regarding restrictions on apprentices from one family who may be certified.
9) TLS dated 28 February 1920. To Frank Foxcroft. Regarding his concern for a newspaper story headlined "Vicious practices in the U.S. Navy."
10) DS (undated). To Alfred Malcomson. Thanking him for the contribution of binoculars for the "Eyes of the Navy."
Rowan, Stephen C., Vice Admiral, USN
LS dated 21 October 1871. From General McDowell to Admiral Rowan on the flagship USS Congress. Questioning details of saluting the Russian Grand Duke when the Russian Fleet arrives in New York.
St. Lawrence, U.S. Frigate
See Naile, F. I.
Paulding, Hiram
Sands, Benjamin F., Rear Admiral, USN
LS dated 28 May 1873, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington. To Dr. B. A. Gould, Director, Argentine Observatory. Regarding forthcoming astronomical observation.
Sandwich, Earl of (1718-1792)
ADS dated 26 July 1749. Sealed commission of Captain John Vaughan to command HMS sloop Baltimore. Also signed by George Anson, Thomas Villiers, and Thomas Corbett.
Saratoga, U.S. Privateer (War of 1812)
See Backus, John
Saunders (Sanders), Thomas, Captain
Letters to Captain Thomas Saunders, and other documents, related to the conduct of the Lewisburg (Louisbourg) Campaign of 1745. Includes:
1) DS dated 29 October 1730, Boston. To Thomas Saunders, Jr. Jonathan Belcher, "Captain General and Governour in Chief in and over His Magisties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England, etc." Appoints Saunders Captain of the sloop Endeavor.
2) Transcription of notes of a conference between Governor William Shirley and the Chiefs of the Penobscot Indians, 3 and 8 December 1741 (3 small, folio sheets).
3) ALS dated 1 May 1745, Chapeaurouge Bay. From William Pepperrell to Captain Saunders. Directing Saunders to take command of all the transports in the bay.
4) ALS dated 2 May 1745, in Camp, on Cape Breton Island. From B. Green to Captain Saunders. Ordering a vessel to come to the island, and directing Saunders to land cannon ashore.
5) ALS dated 22 May 1745, Royall Battery. From S. Waldo to Captain Saunders. Requesting brown sugar and materials for cartridges.
6) LS dated 31 May 1745, Camp, Louisbourg. From William Pepperrell to Captain Saunders. Instructions as to guarding the prisoners.
7) LS dated 1 June 1745, Chapeaurouge Bay. From James Douglas to Captain Saunders. Requesting 50 barrels of powder and a cask of water.
8) ALS dated 2 June 1745, Camp. From B. Green to Captain Saunders. Directing a sloop be sent to carry messages to Boston.
9) ALS dated 2 June 1745, on board HMS Superb, off Louisbourg. From Captain Richard Tiddeman to Captain Saunders. Relaying Commodore Warren's request for water and wood.
10) ALS dated 8 June 1745, on board Superb, off Louisbourg. From Captain Tiddeman to Captain Saunders. Requesting oakum for barricades.
11) ALS dated 11 June 1745, Camp. From B. Green to Captain Saunders. Asking Saunders to comply with enclosed orders (not present) from Commodore Warren.
12) ALS dated 12 June 1745, Camp. From William Pepperrell to Captain Saunders. Regarding ship operations in support of Louisbourg campaign.
13) LS dated 14 June 1745, on board HMS Superb. From Commodore Peter Warren, Commanding His Majesty's Ships in the North Atlantic to Captain Saunders. Directing Saunders to take charge of the ships and attack Louisbourg.
14) ALS dated 16 July 1745, Boston. From William Shirley to Captain Saunders. Instructing him to sail in the sloop Massachusetts for the St. George River.
15) ALS dated 20 July 1745, Boston. From William Shirley to Captain Saunders. Urging him to hasten to St. George's where 70 Indians have been attacked.
16) ALS dated October 1780, Salem. From Elias H. Derby to Saunders. Concerning sailing out of Salem, and danger from British frigates.
17) DS (undated). Instructions for the "betterkeeping company with each other." Signals to be used by the vessels sailing against Louisbourg. Signed by William Pepperrell.
18) Saunders's accounts for the Louisbourg campaign; provisions, etc.
19) Draft of a letter by Ensign William Scoots to William Allen of St. George's. About accounts.
20) ADS (undated). Signals delivered in Canso Harbour. Signed by Saunders.
21) ALS (undated). From Captain Clark Gayton to Captain Saunders. Regarding the shipment of powder and prisoners.
Schaick, S. V.
Journal kept on board U.S. brig Argus, Stephen Decatur and Isaac Hull, Commanding from 5 September 1803 to 20 May 1804. Fine contemporary account of U.S. naval operations in the Mediterranean against the Barbary pirates.
Scott, Gustavus H., Captain, USN
5 LS dated 1864-1865. Civil War correspondence. Signed as Senior Officer of Charleston Blockading force.
Shark, U.S. Schooner
See Paulding, Hiram
Shoemaker, William R., Rear Admiral, USN
ALS dated 29 December 1928, Bohemian Club, San Francisco. To Leonard Matthews.
Shunk, William F., Midshipman, USN
Correspondence in two sewn volumes.
1) Volume I: Letters sent by Shunk to his family from U.S. sloop Preble while on a Pacific voyage in 1849.
2) Volume II: Letters received by Shunk from his family. Also an envelope containing two fitness reports as a Midshipman.
Sicard, Stephen
ALS dated 24 February 1827, Vera Cruz. To Commodore Porter. Regarding events in Mexico associated with Porter's employment as senior officer in the Mexican Navy.
Signals log
Manuscript document dated 1 May 1898, on board USS Olympia. To the Fleet. Signals to be used during the Battle of Manila Bay. Recorded by Paymaster W. W. Galt.
Sigsbee, Charles D., Rear Admiral, USN
ALS dated 24 April 1909, Washington, D.C. To Mr. Guthridge. Regarding attendance at a ceremony in Paris for the recovery of the remains of John Paul Jones. Invitation card included.
Sims, William S., Rear Admiral, USN
1) TLS dated 1 July 1920. Regarding a fictitious letter reported by biographer Augustus Buell to have been written by John Paul Jones.
2) TLS dated 4 January 1922. Regarding recognition of the "Navy's work during the war."
3) TLS dated 6 October 1922, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island. To S. Gunn, Curator, United States Naval Academy. Expressing thanks and explaining why Sims received no recognition for his work during World War I.
4) TLS dated 27 October 1922, Newport, Rhode Island. To Commodore Eaton. Explaining why politicians would give Sims no recognition for his war work.
5) TLS dated 14 January 1927. Referring to a response he has written to Josephus Daniels' preposterous claims to the authorship of a master strategy during World War I.
Sinclair, Arthur, Captain, USN
ALS dated 24 July 1807, Norfolk. To Charles W. Goldsborough. Reporting on sailors demanded of him by the British Consul. A result of the Chesapeake-Leopard affair.
Skinner, Charles William, Commodore, USN
Journal kept on board USS Jamestown, 1 March-14 August 1846. Skinner commanded U.S. Naval Forces in the West Coast of Africa. Daily entries reflecting weather, new particulars, ships boarded, etc. include:
1) Period in port at Porto Praya, Porto Grande, and stops at St. Pierre and St. Thomas on return voyage to Boston.
2) Exchange of command of Africa Squadron to Commodore Read at Porto Praya (26 June 1846).
3) Entire transatlantic voyage (27 June-7 August 1846) from Porto Praya to Boston.
4) Reference to U.S. vessels Dolphin, Marion, Southhampton, Boxer, United States, and Independence.
Smith, Joseph, Rear Admiral, USN
1) 98 LS, 1847-1860. To Captain (later Rear Admiral) A. H. Foote. Smith was Chief of the Bureau of Yards & Docks.
2) LS dated 3 April 1850, Bureau of Yards & Docks. To Commodore D. Conner, Philadelphia Navy Yard. Regarding costs associated with running the yard.
3) ALS dated 4 May 1859. To James Ames. Concerning tests of rifled guns.
Soley, James R., Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 17 October 1890, Navy Department. To Lieutenant (junior grade) A. Culver. Directing him to report for examination preliminary to appointment.
Southard, Samuel, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 8 January 1820, Navy Department. To Senator L. M. Tazewell. Regarding placing the names of two young men on the list of applicants for appointment as Midshipman.
2) LS dated 14 June 1824, Navy Department. To Charles Catlett, Alexandria, Virginia. Concerning nonpayment of a bill of exchange.
3) LS dated 15 February 1825, Navy Department. To Senator James Lloyd. Concerning an increase in Marine Corps strength.
4) LS dated 1 September 1825, Navy Department. To Captain Charles Morris. Accepting his resignation from the Board of Navy Commissioners.
5) LS dated 1 June 1827, Navy Department. To Captain Charles Morris. Concerning the President's acceptance of his resignation from the Board of Navy Commissioners.
6) DS dated 31 October 1828. To Robert L. Browning. Directing him to take the "Examination of Midshipmen" on 24 November.
7) LS dated 23 December 1828, Navy Department. To Senator Robert Haynes. Regarding Navy pension allowances and the case of Mrs. Louisa Booth.
See Also: Adams, John Quincy, President of the United States
Spalding, L. G., Midshipman, USN
3 ALS (1862 and 1863), Naval Academy (while at Newport, Rhode Island). To his mother. Describing life on the training frigate Constitution and at the school.
Spay, William
See Halifax
Spencer, Je. O., Major General
ALS dated 19 August 1777, at Providence. To Colonel Ebenezer Hancock, Boston. Requesting money to pay for troops of the State of Rhode Island.
Spruance, Raymond, Admiral, USN
TDS (undated), as Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet. Commending Commander Hiram Cassidy for meritorious service as senior member of an Air-Sea Rescue Group, 1 August-2 September 1945.
Stewart, Charles, Captain, USN
ALS dated 26 May 1824, USS Franklin, Valparaiso Bay. To U.S. Consul in Peru, William Tudor in Lima. Reports that the new British Consul General to Peru is on the way to Lima and that Stewart is leaving for Rio to determine the new terms with respect to South America, which were to have been negotiated at a meeting of Holy Alliance members in Paris on 15 February 1824.
Stoddert, Benjamin, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 6 June 1799, Navy Department. Ordering Midshipman John Trippe of eastern Delaware to duty on the frigate United States commanded by Captain Barry.
2) ALS dated 7 June 1800, Navy Department. To Stephan Mayhew, Commissioner of Loans, Philadelphia. Regarding regulations for payment of pensions to persons disabled in the Navy Service.
3) ALS dated 3 February 1802, Georgetown. To Colonel Burr. Detailing information on land he has available for sale (particularly in square 882 adjoining the Washington Navy Yard).
Stringham, Silas H., Rear Admiral, USN
ALS dated 29 July 1863, Brooklyn. To William Faxon, Navy Department. Regarding Faxon's request for information about the steamer Fulton. With steel engraving of Stringham.
Strong, Augustus R., Midshipman, USN
5 manuscript notebooks maintained by Strong as a Midshipman.
1) A student's navigation notebook, c.1825.
2) Examination question and answers notebook covering seamanship, gunnery, etc., 1821.
3) Notes on deck seamanship, c.1825.
4) Rigging, miscellany, c.1825.
5) Notes passed between Strong and Midshipman Bushrod Turner, 1828. Regarding a proposed duel (probably a work of literary fiction).
Talbot, Robert Salmon, Passed Engineer, USN
Correspondence and papers of Talbot during the Civil and Spanish American Wars. Talbot was the grandfather of Admiral Frank Talbot. Includes numerous orders, letters, an engineering notebook dated 7 June 1859, 3 important Spanish American War letters, etc.
Taussig, Edward D., Commander, USN
ANS dated 13 June 1902, Boston. Regarding Wake Island, which Taussig took possession of on 14 January 1899 in the name of the United States.
Thatcher, Henry K., Rear Admiral, USN
LS dated 10 August 1867, on board the flagship Saranac, North Pacific Squadron. To Commander J. M. Bradford, Commanding Officer, USS Resaca. Directing him to proceed to "Russian America" (Alaska) and "cause your ship to be broken out and frosted to eradicate . . . every vestige of the disease with which she is now infected."
Thomas, Chauncey, Jr., Midshipman, USN
Personal correspondence. 28 ALS, 1868-1878. To his family from a variety of naval vessels and locations.
Thompson, Alexander, Midshipman, USN
ALS dated 28 December 1817, on the U.S. frigate Constellation, Norfolk. To Colonel Aaron Burr. Describes United States Fleet and, in postscript, the Tunisian and Algerian Fleets.
Thompson, Richard W., Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 2 April 1877, Navy Department. To the Attorney General. Acknowledging receipt of several petitions for claims.
Thompson, Smith, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 10 February 1820. To Lieutenant Mayo, USN. Presenting him with a silver medal for gallantry during the capture of the British sloop of war Penguin.
2) LS dated 24 August 1821, Navy Department. To Samuel Hodges, Boston. Concerning supplies for vessels cruising upon the coast of Africa.
3) LS dated 7 March 1823, Navy Department. To Captain Charles Morris. Informing him of the President's approval of his membership on the Board of Navy Commissioners.
4) DS dated 15 August 1823, Washington. To Midshipman William W. McLean, Commanding Officer, U.S. schooner Terrier. Orders to join Commodore D. Porter, Commander U.S. Naval Forces in the West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico.
Tingey, Thomas, Captain, USN
1) DS dated 2 May 1795. "Proof of ownership of a ship or vessel." Certifying ownership of the ship Ganges. Signed twice by Tingey.
2) DS dated 21 November 1801. Acknowledging receipt of $4,000 from the Navy Department.
3) LS dated 1 April 1814, Navy Yard, Washington. To the Honorable William Jones (Secretary of the Navy). Regarding the procurement of bricks to repair the furnaces in the frigate Columbia.
4) LS dated 27 May 1814, Navy Yard, Washington. To James Beatty, Esq. Regarding replacement parts for Java and Guerriere.
5) LS dated 10 December 1817, Navy Yard, Washington. To John Rose. Regarding grape shot.
6) ALS dated 20 June 1822, Navy Yard, Washington. To Purser Thomas Chew. Reporting the shipment of a barrel of "Old Columbia" to his friend Captain MacDonough. With integral address sheet.
7) DS dated 9 January 1823, Navy Yard, Washington. Receipt for 100 lbs. of cut nails.
8) LS dated 15 January 1827, Navy Yard, Washington. Regarding difficulties with a shipment of powder to James Beatty, Navy Agent, Baltimore.
Toucey, Isaac, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 22 April 1857, Washington. To Toucey from the Army Ordnance Office. Regarding the Army Ordnance Department's ability to rifle muskets belonging to the Marine Corps.
2) LS dated 23 April 1857. To Major G. Lindsay, USMC. Responding to Army request of 22 April 1857.
3) DS dated 17 August 1857, Navy Department. To Passed Assistant Surgeon Albert Schriver. Orders to report to Commodore Stringham on the U.S. steam frigate Merrimack.
4) LS dated 10 June 1858. Regarding the difference in pay between seamen and coxswains on board vessels of war.
Tracy, Benjamin, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 7 July 1892, Navy Department. To the Secretary of the Interior. Regarding passage of a Doctor Sheldon Jackson on naval vessels operating in the Alaska area.
2) TDS (Affidavit) dated 31 October 1907. Describing his involvement with contracts for the battleships Indiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon.
Trumbull, Continental Navy Frigate
14 manuscript documents dated 1778-1780. Referring to the building of Trumbull in Norwich, Connecticut.
Truxtun, Thomas, Captain, USN
1) LS dated 25 October 1796, Baltimore. To Tench Francis, Purveyor. Regarding contracting for timber to build the "the frigate [Constellation]."
2) ALS 10 February 1800, Kingston. To Doctor Henry, frigate Constellation. Regarding care of the wounded following Truxtun's victory over the French frigate La Vengeance on 1 February 1800.
3) ALS dated 4 June 1802. To the Honorable James Wilson. Personal matters.
4) LS dated 10 March 1819. To Senator Benjamin Morgan. Regarding a charter to the Bank of the United States and the annexation of Florida and Louisiana.
5) LS (undated). To John Barry in U.S. frigate United States.
Tudor, Frederick
ALS dated 22 December 1812, Boston. To Samuel L. Mitchell. Encloses a pamphlet, "Some Memorandums . . . (on) the construction of ships. . . ."
Turner, Daniel, Captain, USN
ALS dated 21 March 1847, on board U.S. frigate Raritan. To Commodore Joshua R. Sands. Reflecting on the superb performance of the Home Squadron, 1843-1847, as he relinquishes command.
Turner, Thomas, Captain, USN
9 LS dated in 1863. Civil War correspondence dealing primarily with blockading South Carolina.
Turner, Richmond Kelly, Rear Admiral, USN
TLS dated 26 September 1943 as Commander Fifth Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet. To Captain Rufus F. Zogbaum. Discussing aspects of amphibious warfare in the Southwest Pacific during World War II.
Tyler, John, President of the United States
DS dated 14 March 1842. Appointing Samuel Miller a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps. Also signed by Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of the Navy.
United States, U.S. Frigate
See also Hull, Isaac
Curtis, Asa
Truxtun, Thomas
1) Letter dated 20 March 1798, from James McHenry. To Joshua Humphreys. Concerning repairs requested by Captain John Barry for the frigate United States. Contains Humphreys' autograph agreement to "examine the defects complained of."
2) Document dated 6 July 1798, signed by Joseph Tatlow, Justice of the Peace at Newcastle, Delaware. Enlistment oath for eight seamen sworn in on board United States under the command of John Barry.
3) Watch, quarter, and station bill (c. 1825). Isaac Hull, Commanding.
Upshur, Abel, Secretary of the Navy
1) LS dated 25 November 1841. To Secretary of War Spencer. Noting that no more appointments to Midshipman are available.
2) LS dated 18 January 1842, Navy Department. To Congressman R. Hunter. Regarding the appointment of John T. Smith to the rank of Midshipman.
Vaughan, James
ALS dated 14 July 1843, Navy Yard, New York. To Secretary of the Navy David Henshaw. Soliciting an appointment as Masters Mate. Endorsed by George DeKay, Joshua Sands, et al.
Voorhees, Philip F., Captain, USN
See Patterson, Daniel T.
Wadsworth, Alexander, Captain, USN
ALS dated 16 May 1835, on board Brandywine, Callao Bay. To Samuel Larned, Charge D'Affairs, Lima. Regarding the blockade then in effect on that coast.
Wainwright, Lawrence, Captain, USN (Ret.)
AD. "A Brief History of the U.S. Naval Forces in France from 11 November 1918 to 1 October 1919."
Walke, Henry, Captain, USN
1) Morning reports of prisoners on board Carondelet and Lafayette while in command of these vessels in Mississippi Squadron, 1862-1863.
2) Medical reports, etc. during period of his command of Carondelet and Lafayette with Mississippi Squadron, 1862-1863.
3) Correspondence, 1862-1863. Relating to his command of Carondelet and Lafayette with the Mississippi Squadron.
Warren, James
1) DS dated 14 July 1775. Empowering Enos Buggs of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to enlist a company of 47 men for the defense of the sea coast of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
2) ALS dated 9 August 1777, Boston. To Elbridge Gerry. Regarding the progress of the war. Refers to Continental ship Ranger building at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the loss of Continental frigate Hancock, and the disagreeable position of the Army.
3) LS dated 17 March 1778, Navy Board, Eastern Department, Boston. To Captain George Whippy. Directing him to proceed to Bedford and assume command of the schooner Loyalty.
Warrington, Lewis, Captain, USN
1) ALS dated 15 September 1832, Gosport Navy Yard. To Commodore Bainbridge. Regarding an afternoon muster policy at the Navy Yard.
2) ALS dated 24 June 1834, Gosport Navy Yard. Concerning a contract for clothing.
Washington Navy Yard
2 Journals dated 27 June 1833-February 1835 and 26 April 1837-25 July 1839. Molding loft work records. Kept by J. Owner, Shipbuilder.
Watson, James Muir, Purser, USN
ALS dated 9 October 1823, on board the U.S. schooner Dolphin at Callao. To Purser Thomas Chew. Regarding the situation in Peru, and his concern for being retained in the Navy.
Weems, John, Midshipman, USN
See Patterson, Daniel T.
Welles, Gideon, Secretary of the Navy
1) ALS dated 3 May 1861. To General Winfield Scott, USA. Stating that he is sending Keystone State downstream to pick up ordnance for Forts Washington and Monroe.
2) ALS dated 30 August 1861. Ordering Captain Andrew Foote to assume command of naval operations upon the "Western waters."
3) LS dated 27 September 1861. To E. L. Norton, Navy Agent, Boston. Concerning transmission of weekly statements of receipts and payments.
4) LS dated 31 January 1862. To Senator John Hale. Forwarding a request from John A. Dahlgren to fund an ordnance foundry.
5) LS dated 19 March 1862, Navy Department. To E. L. Norton, Navy Agent, Boston. Concerning issuing certificates of indebtedness to creditors of the government.
6) ALS dated 28 April 1862. To E. L. Norton, Navy Agent, Boston. Authorizing expenditure of funds.
7) DS dated 29 November 1862. Appointment of S. B. Harriman to Assistant Surgeon to report to Rear Admiral Porter.
8) LS dated 21 January 1863, Navy Department. To Senator S. Foot. Concerning introduction of a bill to authorize an additional class at the Naval Academy to start in February 1864.
9) LS dated 5 February 1863, Navy Department. To Senator John Hale. Regarding a proposal for placing officers on the retired list.
10) LS dated 10 April 1863. To Commander Abner Read. Forwarding a letter from Ohio Governor Todd enclosing a Joint Resolution of the Ohio Legislature thanking Read for his patriotic and gallant services.
11) LS dated 13 April 1863, Navy Department. To Major Slack, USMC. Regarding repairs to the Marine Barracks at Philadelphia.
12) LS dated 5 May 1863. To Mrs. Abner Read. Reporting Captain Read's wound at Sabine Pass, 18 April 1863.
13) DS dated 19 May 1863. To Acting Master's Mate F. G. Adams. Directing him to report to Rear Admiral Paulding for duty in the steamer Granite City.
14) DS dated 17 June 1863. Directing Chief Engineer William Dungan to report as a member of a board of examining engineers.
15) ALS dated 23 March 1864. To E. L. Norton, Navy Agent, Boston. Authorizing him to pay Midshipman Saltonstall's travel expenses to Baltimore.
16) LS dated 23 May 1864, Navy Department. To Senator John Hale. Concerning the possibility that certain bids had been tampered with and that a subsequent Senate investigation might be necessary.
17) ALS dated 16 July 1864. To Surgeon General Greene. Regarding medical surveys.
18) LS dated 12 August 1864, Washington. To Lieutenant Colonel Bourman at Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Regarding duty on a commission to select a site for a naval station on the Mississippi.
19) ALS dated 3 September 1864. To Rear Admiral Paulding. Regarding the suppression of an insurrection at New York.
20) LS dated 9 January 1865, Navy Department. To Captain A. H. Kitty, Commanding USS Roanoke. Warning him of reported plan to destroy Roanoke by torpedoes.
21) ALS dated 3 May 1865. To Rear Admiral Porter. Ordering him to Newport, Rhode Island, to join Vice Admiral Farragut as members of the Board of Visitors to intern examinations of several claims of Midshipmen at the Naval Academy.
22) DS dated 11 May 1865. Appointing N. Beach Clark an Assistant Engineer in the Navy.
23) LS dated 19 June 1865. To Rear Admiral Porter. Directing him to assume command of the U.S. Naval Academy.
24) LS dated 19 June 1865. Ordering Commodore George Blake to duty as Superintendent of the Naval Academy.
25) ALS dated 23 June 1865. To Rear Admiral Dahlgren. Ordering him to haul down his flag since hostilities have ended and the South Atlantic Squadron is reduced.
26) DS dated 19 August 1865. Discharge certificate for Daniel Stark, Acting Engineer, USN, from Edgartown, Massachusetts.
27) ALS dated 9 August 1866. To President Andrew Johnson.
Presenting names for commissions.
Whitney, William C., Secretary of the Navy
LS dated 9 May 1887. To Lieutenant W. H. Jacques. Accepting his resignation.
Wilkes, Charles, Rear Admiral, USN
1) 8 ALS dated 1830-1868. Personal correspondence.
2) AD. Draft of possible autobiography.
3) ALS (written in 1874). To the Editor, New York Herald. Concerning the Exploring Expedition.
4) DS (bank notes).
Winder, William, Auditor of the Navy
LS dated 19 December 1798, Navy Department Accountant's Office. To Nehemiah Hubbard, Navy Agent, Middletown, Connecticut. Directing additional information on weekly account statements.
Woodbury, Levi, Secretary of the Navy
1) 9 LS, 1831-1834. Official correspondence to the Commander of the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Regarding administration of the Navy Yard.
2) 11 LS, 1832 to 1834. To Commodore M. T. Woolsey, Commanding the U.S. Naval Squadron, Coast of Brazil. Regarding the various operations of the squadron.
3) LS dated 27 May 1834. To Commodore W. M. Crane, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, New Hampshire. Requesting him to go to Boston to inspect the frigate Potomac.
4) ALS dated 1 March 1844. Written while a U.S. Senator. In the postscript he adds that he was on board the ill-fated Princeton with the President when a cannon exploded, killing several political leaders.
Worden, John, Rear Admiral, USN
DS dated 6 August 1866. Orders to Lieutenant Commander Henry Howison to report to the U.S. steamer Pensacola.
Yost, George R.
AD dated 12 February 1896. "A brief history of the US Gunboat Cairo of the Mississippi Squadron, Jan-Dec 1862." (Cairo was sunk by a torpedo (mine) at Haines Bluff on the Yazoo on 12 December 1862.)
Young, Thomas, Lieutenant, USN
4 ALS, 1843-1846. Accounts of travels while attached to USS Princeton and USS Brandywine.