The Navy Department Library
Finding Aids
ACCESS Guide to the Persian Gulf Crisis. Washington: ACCESS, 1991. An annotated guide to reports, studies, databases, and contact information for relevant organizations.
Goodman, A. Sue, comp. Iraq-Kuwait Crisis: August 2, 1990- January 15, 1991. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Library, 1991. 51-page bibliography with a few selected annotations, under 11 topic headings.
Goodman, A. Sue, comp. Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991: Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Library, 1991. This comprehensive 183-page bibliography is the best general guide for researchers on the Gulf War, despite its dearth of annotations. It is organized under 45 topical headings and includes citations of government documents, manuscripts, books, scholarly journals, newspapers, popular magazines, and videocassettes.
Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet. The Persian Gulf and United States Policy: A Guide to Issues and References. Claremont, CA: Regina Books, 1984. Lists 935 publications; good for background material.
Melson, Charles D., Evelyn A. Englander, and David A. Dawson, comps. U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography. Washington: History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1992. 258 pp. This reference work contains 26 articles drawn from the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Marine Corps Gazette, Field Artillery, and Washington Post; messages and briefings from senior officers; task organization; and chronology in addition to the bibliography.
The Middle East in Conflict: A Historical Bibliography. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC- Clio Information Services, 1985. Drawn from over 2,000 journals published in 90 countries in more than 40 languages, this work lists periodical literature on the 20th-century history of the Middle East published between 1973 and 1982. Extensive index.
Reagan, Patrick D. America and the War with Iraq: A Bibliography for Instructors. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Co., 1991. Wide-ranging 24-page annotated bibliography includes works on the Gulf War, Cold War, peace movements, and social history of the American armed services.
Shapiro, Sherry B. Persian Gulf War: CRS Products. Washington: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 1991. CRS reports are reference and information briefs prepared for members and committees of Congress. This bibliography/order form lists 31 CRS products.
U.S. Department of the Army. Desert Warfare: A Select Bibliography. Washington: The Pentagon Library, 1991. Background on war in a desert environment.
U.S. Department of the Navy. "Desert Storm: The Liberation of Kuwait." Library Notes 20 (October- November 1991). Naval War College bibliography of "significant writings" published during the period 16 January-October 1991.