The Navy Department Library
Formative Years, 1784-1860
Allen, Gardner. Our Navy and the West Indian Pirates. Salem, Mass.: Essex Institute, 1929. 107 pp.
Bauer, Jack, ed. The New American State Papers: Naval Affairs. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1981. 10 vols.
Material selected from the Gales and Seaton American State Papers, the congressional serial set, and previously unpublished documents from the National Archives.
Bauss, Rudy. "Rio de Janeiro, Strategic Base for Global Designs of the British Royal Navy, 1777-1815." In New Aspects of Naval History: Selected Papers Presented at the Fourth Naval History Symposium, United States Naval Academy, 25-26 October 1979, edited by Craig L. Symonds and others, 75-89. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1981.
Billingsley, Edward B. In Defense of Neutral Rights: The United States Navy and the Wars of Independence in Chile and Peru. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1967. 266 pp.
Bradlee, Francis B. Piracy in the West Indies and Its Suppression. Salem, Mass.: Essex Institute, 1923. 220 pp. (Reprinted 1970 by Library Editions).
Buker, George E. Swamp Sailors: Riverine Warfare in the Everglades, 1835-1842. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1975. 152 pp.
Downey, Joseph T. The Cruise of the Portsmouth, 1845-1847: A Sailor's View of the Naval Conquest of California. Edited by Howard Lamar. New Haven: Yale Univ. Library, 1958. 246 pp.
Feipel, Louis N. "The Navy and Filibustering in the Fifties." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 44 (March 1918): 767-780, 1009-1029, 1219-1240, 1527-1545, 1837-1848, 2063-2085.
Fitzpatrick, Donovan, and Saul Saphire. Navy Maverick: Uriah Phillips Levy. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1963. 273 pp.
Fowler, William M., Jr. Jack Tars and Commodores: The American Navy, 1783-1815. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984. 318 pp.
Giffin, Donald W. "The American Navy at Work on the Brazil Station, 1827-1860." American Neptune 19 (October 1959): 239-256.
Guttridge, Leonard F., and Jay D. Smith. The Commodores. With an introduction by James C. Bradford. Classics of Naval Literature. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984. 340 pp.
First published in 1969 by Harper & Row.
Hagan, Kenneth J. "The Navy in the Nineteenth Century, 1789-1889." In A Guide to the Sources of U.S. Military History, edited by Robin Higham, 152-184. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1975.
Bibliographical essay. Continued by Christopher McKee in Supplement I to the Guide published by Archon in 1981 (33-34) and in Supplement II to the Guide published by Archon in 1986 (57-76).
Hall, Claude H. Abel Parker Upshur, Conservative Virginian, 1790-1844. Madison:State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1964. 271 pp.
Upshur was Secretary of the Navy, 11 October 1841-23 July 1843; and Secretary of State, 24 July 1843- 28 February 1844.
Henderson, Daniel M. The Hidden Coasts: A Biography of Admiral Charles Wilkes. New York: Sloane, 1953. 306 pp. (Reprinted 1970 by Greenwood).
Henson, Curtis T. Commissioners and Commodores: The East India Squadron and American Diplomacy in China. University: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1982. 231 pp.
Hill, Jim Dan. The Texas Navy in Forgotten Battles and Shirtsleeve Diplomacy. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1937. 224 pp.
Johnson, Robert F. Thence Round Cape Horn: The Story of United States Naval Forces on Pacific Station, 1818-1923. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1963. 276 pp.
Long, David F. "The Navy Under the Board of Navy Commissioners, 1815-1842." In In Peace and War: Interpretations of American Naval History, 1775-1984, 2d ed., edited by Kenneth J. Hagan, 63-78. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984.
Maloney, Linda M. "The U.S. Navy's Pacific Squadron, 1824-1827." In Changing Interpretations and New Sources in Naval History: Papers From the Third United States Naval Academy History Symposium, edited by Robert W. Love, Jr., and others, 180-191. New York: Garland Pub., 1980.
McKee, Christopher. Edward Preble: A Naval Biography, 1761-1807. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1972. 394 pp.
-----. A Gentlemanly and Honorable Profession: The Creation of the U.S. Naval Officer Corps, 1794- 1815. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1991. 600 pp.
-----. "The Navy in the Nineteenth Century, 1789-1889." In A Guide to the Sources of United States Military History, Supplement I, edited by Robin Higham, 33-40. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1975; Supplement II, 57-76, 1986.
Parker, William H. Recollections of a Naval Officer, 1841-1865. With introduction and notes by Craig L. Symonds. Classics of Naval Literature. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1985. 403 pp.
First published in 1883 by Scribner.
Paullin, Charles O. Commodore John Rodgers, Captain, Commodore and Senior Officer of the American Navy, 1773-1838. Cleveland: Arthur Clark, 1910. 434 pp. (Reprinted 1967 by U.S. Naval Institute).
Pratt, Fletcher. Preble's Boys: Commodore Preble and the Birth of American Sea Power. New York: Wm. Sloane, 1950. 419 pp.
Rohr, John A. "Constitutional Foundations of the United States Navy: Text and Context." Naval War College Review 45 (Winter
1992): 68-84.
Schroeder, John H. "Jacksonian Naval Policy, 1829-37." In New Aspects of Naval History: Selected Papers From the 5th Naval History Symposium, edited by the Department of History, U.S. Naval Academy, 121-128. Baltimore: Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co., 1985.
-----. Shaping a Maritime Empire: The Commercial and Diplomatic Role of the American Navy, 1829- 1861. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985. 229 pp.
Sharrer, G. Terry. "The Search for a Naval Policy, 1783-1812." In In Peace and War: Interpretations of American Naval History, 1775-1984, 2d ed., edited by Kenneth J. Hagan, 27-45. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984.
Smelser, Marshall. The Congress Founds the Navy, 1787-1798. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1959. 229 pp.
Smith, Geoffrey S. "An Uncertain Passage: The Bureaus Run the Navy, 1842-1861." In In Peace and War: Interpretations of American Naval History, 1775-1984, 2d ed., edited by Kenneth J. Hagan, 79-106. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984.
Smith, Philip C. The Frigate Essex Papers: Building the Salem Frigate, 1798-1799. Salem, Mass.: Peabody Museum of Salem, 1974. 334 pp.
Symonds, Craig L. Navalists and Antinavalists: The Naval Policy Debate in the United States, 1785- 1827. Newark: Univ. of Delaware Press, 1980. 252 pp.
Ticknor, Benajah. The Voyage of the Peacock: A Journal. Edited by Nan Powell Hodges. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1991. 366 pp.
U.S. Congress. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1832-61. 38 vols. (Class VI, Naval Affairs, 4 vols).
Vol. 1, March 3, 1789-March 5, 1825; Vol. 2, May 13, 1824-Jan. 5, 1827; Vol. 3, Jan. 12, 1827-March 1, 1831; Vol. 4, March 1, 1831-June 15, 1836.
U.S. Naval History Division. The Texas Navy. Washington: GPO, 1968. 40 pp.
Valle, James E. Rocks & Shoals: Order and Discipline in the Old Navy, 1800-1861. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1980. 341 pp.
Wells, Tom H. Commodore Moore and the Texas Navy. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1960. 218 pp.
Westwood, Howard C. "Reform in the United States Navy: The Plucking of Officers of the Latter 1850s." American Neptune 50 (Spring 1990): 107-118.
Wheeler, Richard. In Pirate Waters. New York: Crowell. 1969. 191 pp.
An account of the development of piracy in the Caribbean and its suppression by Commodore David Porter in 1825.
Whipple, Addison B. C. To the Shores of Tripoli: The Birth of the U.S. Navy and Marines. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1991. 357 pp.
Williams, Frances L. Matthew Fontaine Maury, Scientist of the Sea. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1963. 720 pp.
Winslow, Richard Elliott. "Wealth and Honor": Portsmouth During the Golden Age of Privateering, 1775-1815. Portsmouth, N.H.: P. E. Randall, 1988. 304 pp.