“An Act Providing for the Public Printing and Binding and the Distribution of Public Documents,” (12 January 1895), in The Statutes at Large of the United States of America from August, 1893, to March 1895, and Recent Treaties, Conventions, and Executive Proclamations. Vol. 28. (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1895): 624.
The Navy Department Library
The Navy Department Library Becomes a Federal Depository Library 12 January 1895
SEC. 98. The libraries of the eight Executive Departments, of the United States Military Academy, and United States Naval Academy are hereby constituted designated depositories of Government publications, and the superintendent of documents shall supply one copy of said publications, in the same form as supplied to other depositories, to each of said libraries.
The Department of the Navy (originally called the Navy Department) was an executive department of the federal government of the United States of America from 1798 to 1947 when it was subsumed by the Department of Defense.
The Navy Department Library of the Naval History and Heritage Command is Federal Depository Library Number 0095.