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The Navy Department Library

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OPNAV Notice 5070 dated 20 November 1970. Hardcopy located in the "Navy Department Library" vertical file.

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Relocation of the Navy Department Library (1970)

Canc: Jan 71

Department of the Navy
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Washington, D.C. 20350

In Reply Refer To:
Ser 3727PO9B9

OPNAV Notice 5070

From: Chief of Naval Operations

Subj: Relocation of the Navy Department Library

1. Purpose. To inform all addressees of the new location and telephone numbers of the Library and to describe briefly the services and resources available for official purposes.

2. Information.

(a) The Navy Department Library, now relocated from the Main Navy Building to Building 220 at the northeast corner of the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. 20390 (STOP 314), is open for use by all Navy Department and Department of Defense Personnel as an aid in their work and to enrich their professional backgrounds. It is also open to the public. Hours: 8:00 to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday. Telephone : Oxford 34131, 34132, or 34133.

(b) The Library's resources are available for all official inquiries and assistance will be given commensurate with the size of the Library Staff and the urgency and importance of the inquiry to the Navy.

(c) Reference Services. Reference services for official purposes may range from the (1) location of needed facts (2) the compilation of selective bibliographies on any of a wide range of subjects (3) the preparation or location of abstracts of pertinent literature (4) advisory service relative to research projects.

(d) Loan Services. Books may be borrowed for two weeks. They may be renewed for another two week period if not needed otherwise. Periodicals may be borrowed for three days. Current issues may be taken overnight or over weekends only. If in doubt as to whether the publication is in the Library, call extension 34131, 34132, or 34133 for verification. If it is not in the Library, and it is needed for official business, it probably can be borrowed from another library. A catalog of books in other naval libraries in the Washington area is maintained.

(e) Resources. The Library has some 120,000 volumes and 8,000 rolls of microfilm covering an array of subjects of interest to the Navy. These subjects include:

    Naval and general history.
    Cruises, exploring expeditions with emphasis on polar exploration.
    Economic and political theories and conditions.
    Geography, travel and guide books.
    International law, and diplomacy.
    Warfare with emphasis on naval and combined operations.
    Naval architecture, ship-building.
    Naval customs, traditions.
    Naval education, schools and training.
    Naval hospitals, and medical service.
    Naval pay, allowances, pensions.
    Naval Regulations, orders, instructions.
    Naval reserve.
    Naval shore stations, yards, bases.
        Navigation, hydrography, oceanography, ship-handling.
    Navy music, cook books, rations, equipment.
    Astronomy and mathematics as they relate to navigation.
    Civil affairs, military government.
    Communications, signals.
    Courts-martial, courts of inquiry, justice, punishment.
    Leadership, personnel selection.
    Management, public administration.
    Morale services, sports, recreation.
    Ordnance, gunnery.
    Suppression of slave trade.
    Uniforms, insignia, awards, medals, flags.
    U.S. Marine corps and Coast Guard.

In addition, the Library has special collections of:

    General reference material:
    Bibliographies, indexes, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, catalogs, atlases.
    Congressional documents, reports, hearings, legislation.
    Reports of the Secretary of the Navy, special boards and panels.
    Ship registers, data books.
    Navy registers, directories.
        Professional naval, military and related journals.
    Cruise books.
    Manuscripts including the 300 volume administrative history of World War II.
    Doctoral dissertations on naval and military history.
    Microfilm of significant segments of Navy's archives from the U.S. National Archives.

(f) Physical Facilities. In addition to desks and study carrels for library users, the Library is equipped with specialized devices to facilitate research. These include: electrostatic copiers, microfilm reader-printers, micro-opaque readers, typewriters, electrical outlets for tape recorders.

(g) Navy and other Defense personnel can reach the Washington Navy Yard by DOD Bus Route No. 6 from the Pentagon. City bus routes No. 52 and 54 (buses marked "Navy Yard") can be boarded at Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street N.W. Visitor parking is available on the parking lot south of building 200.

H. L. Harry, Jr.
Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Director of Naval Administration


Naval District Commandants (COMNAVDIST WASH D.C. only)
Air facility CNO (NAF WASH)
Tactical Doctrine Activity
Command Systems support Activity
Strategic Analysis Support Group
DOD Computer Institute
Manpower Programs Support Activity
Oceanographer of the Navy
Naval Oceanographic Office
Security Group Headquarters
Communications Command Headquarters
Systems Command Headquarters
Intelligence Command Headquarters
Weather Service Headquarters
Commander, Military Sealift Command

Note: The Navy Department Library was subsequently moved to Building 44 in the Washington Navy Yard. Most of the information contained in this notice is no longer valid.


Published: Fri Mar 27 14:32:02 EDT 2020