Underwater Construction Teams
Underwater Construction Teams (UCT)
Seabee divers have been a part of the Naval Construction Forces (NCF) since World War II. These divers were assigned to the Mobile Construction and Amphibious Construction Battalions. In late 1960's, Naval Material Command (NAVMAT) assigned responsibility for Fixed Ocean Facilities to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) directed the establishment of Seabee diver teams.
NAVFAC Summary Report 68-1 determined the need for dedicated Seabee diver teams to support the NAVFAC missions. On December 10, 1969, NAVFAC requested assignment of one diving officer to the Commander, 21st Naval Construction Regiment (NCR) at Davisville, RI and one diving officer to the 31st NCR at Port Hueneme, CA to coordinate and manage a nucleus of Atlantic and Pacific area underwater construction teams, unofficially deemed UCT 1 and UCT 2. UCT 1 was later moved in 1973 after the disestablishment of the 21st NCR to the Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Norfolk, VA and placed under Commander Construction Battalions Atlantic (CBLANT). Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt declared UCT 1 and UCT 2 independent on Nov. 1, 1973 and on Feb. 15, 1974 the Navy commissioned each team with an officer in charge
The initial diving officers assigned to the regiments were:
- LTJG Scott Stevenson assigned as the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of UCT 1
- LTJG Geoff Cullison assigned as OIC UCT 2
Both teams had one officer, one chief petty officer and 12 to 15 Seabee divers. Both teams were very active in supporting Navy Ocean Projects and being deployed constantly throughout the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean operation areas. UCT 1 logged 404 dives in 1971 which grew to 623 dives in 1977. UCT 2 logged 265 dives in 1971 and increased to 1,319 dives in 1977.
As the workload grew, the size of the teams expanded to meet requirements with additional officers, Seabee divers and support personnel. In 1983, both teams were authorized three officers (OIC, AOIC and OPS) and 41 enlisted. In 1985, the command status of the UCT's was upgraded to Commanding Officer consistent with their expanded mission of including fielding three air detachments, one of which was capable of deploying within 48 hours of notification. As their mission workload expanded, the teams were further expanded to 52 enlisted.
By 2015, the workload of the UCT's had increased to the point they needed additional manpower. Both teams were authorized to add three additional Junior Officers to lead Construction Dive Detachments (CDD). In 2021, the teams were authorized to add a Training Officer and seven enlisted safety and training billets.
The workload of the UCT's and the Naval Construction Force (NCF) is ever growing. It is anticipated that the UCT's will grow even larger in subsequent years approaching a manning of 200 personnel.
"A Watery Classroom," Navy Civil Engineer, Summer 1978
"Builders, Fighters, Divers," Navy Civil Engineer, Jun 1968
"CHESDIV Progresses," Navy Civil Engineer, Fall 1988
"Deep Ocean Enginnering," Navy Civil Engineer, Sep-Oct 1965
"Deep Ocean Simulator Built for NOAA," Navy Civil Engineer, Spring 1974
"Diver Tools Program," Navy Civil Engineer, Fall 1985
"Divers, Dynamite, and Demolition," CEC Bulletin, Feb 1948
"History of Navy Military Underwater Construction," Navy Civil Engineer, Winter 1987-88
"My Mommy's a Mermaid," All Hands December 1998
"NAVFAC/UCT-1 Install Undersea Sensors," Navy Civil Engineer, Winter 1973
"NCEL Dive Locker," Navy Civil Engineer, Jan 1970
"Ocean Engineering," Navy Civil Engineer, Summer 1970
"Project AFAR," Navy Civil Engineer, Spring 1973
"Project AUTEC," Navy Civil Engineer, Mar-Apr 1966
"Pseudo Sea," Navy Civil Engineer, Fall 1975
"Seabees in the Briney," Navy Civil Engineer, Summer 1974
"Small Power Deep Ocean," Navy Civil Engineer, Jan-Feb 1967
"Underwater Construction," Navy Civil Engineer, Winter 1974
"Underwater Station," Navy Civil Engineer, Nov 1967
"We Dive," UCT Bees, Seabee Magazine, Summer 2011