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Where do I start?
If you are looking for information on your service or a Seabee's service in the Navy, go to our new research page to discover where to start and easily locate materials on our website.
Have a research question?
Looking for information on a certain topic or event? Review our frequently asked questions and Online Reading Room. If you can't find your answer, then ask us!
Our website features a robust collection of information that allows user to locate information on a certain unit or event. Explore the Museum’s Online Reading Room, WWII Cruisebooks, Post-WWII Cruisebooks, Unit Histories, and CEC History sections.
If you can't find the answer then email us at and one of the staff archivists will answer your request within 10 business days.
How can I view a collection of archival papers or records?
The US Navy Seabee Museum archive is open by appointment only. Please email to make an appointment
Can you tell me how much an artifact or archival document is worth?
No, we are not permitted to give appraisals nor advise you on how much an object or collection may be worth. We recommend you consult a professional appraiser.
How may I donate papers, artifacts or archival records?
Please see our Donating Your Collection page for more information.