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William Denman, Chairman, Shipping Control Committee, to Raymond B. Stevens, Vice-Chairman, Shipping Board and Representative, Allied Maritime Transport Council

Chronological Copy.                        File No. <42/2/4>

<March 30, 1918.>

          CABLEGRAM RECEIVED      22331 March   EWO

Origin    Opnav, Washington.           Ser. No. 4443

          C-3  31-3-18

          21 D.


4443. Boards Navy 36, for Stevens from ship comtrol Committee. Reference ship mission 42.1 Pershing2 has been communicated with regarding our replacing his 9 knot<*> steamers employed in Cross Channel service with new <“Lake”> steamers FREDERICKSTAD, T-type<,> and we are awaiting reply as we feel that no <“Lake”> steamers are very suitable for that business freeing larger and faster steamers suitable trans-Atlantic business.3 Consider you should continue using Swedish tonnage now running under your control understand that those required in addition to present American steamers being used by Pershing which we propose replacing. If this is so we suggest that you should renew their charter and if they are objectionable to Pershing they might be exchanged for British vessels although if useful for one presumably unsatisfactory other. 21030. 4443.


<*> Word “ 9 knot” does not make apparent sense but comes clear.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: This document has not been located.

Footnote 2: Maj. Gen. John J. Pershing, Commander, American Expeditionary Forces.

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