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Secretary of the British Admiralty Sir Oswyn A. R. Murray to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters



10th March, 1918.

The Force Commander, U.S.N.

          It is understood that you desired the question of the allocation of the U.S. 110 ft. Submarine Chasers to be considered by this Department. This has been done in consultation with the U.S. Section of the Plans Division of the Naval Staff.

     2.   The tentative programme for the arrival of the American Submarine Chasers in European waters is understood to be as follows:-

15th March.....


Submarine Chasers

15th April.....



15th May.......



15th June......



15th July......



15th August....



15th September.



15th October...





     (a)  The Admiralty think that the first 36 submarine chasers should be sent to the Mediterranean unless a radical change in the general situation should develop before their arrival.

     (b)  They believe that the submarine chasers are notssuitable for North Sea work, or for escorts for minelayers, men-of-war, or convoys.

     (c)  They believe that the submarine chasers are suitable for submarine hunting work in the Irish and English channels, and for inshore work on the French Coast.

     (d)  They consider that the allocation of submarine chasers subsequent to the first 36 should not be finally decided until nearer the date of their arrival in European waters. In case the situation should have altered in the meantime.

     (e)  As a provisional allocation, however, they contemplate that the distribution of the remaining submarine chasers might be as follows:-


                          Holyhead or Kingston...........18



in the order named. If these allocations are effected, there will still be 36 submarine chasers to be allocated in the Autumn, but it does not seem expedient to lay down even a provisional allocation in their case.

     3.   Fuelling considerations limit to some extent the bases from which these submarine chasers can usefully work, but provision in respect of fuel have been arranged at the bases enumerated at (e) above.

(signed) W.F. Nicholson,

for Secretary.1   

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 520, Box 387. Document reference: “N.02753...1/3/D/J.”

Footnote 1: Walter F. Nicholson was an assistant secretary.