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Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard, President, Naval War Board, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long


Navy Department,

Office of Naval War Board.

Washington, D.C.,   June 29th, 1898.


The Board recommends that the following telegram be sent to

Admiral Dewey.1


M Sicard

Rear Adml. Pres. of Board.


     The different reinforcements sent you are as follows: First army detachment with Charleston sailed from San Francisco May 21st via Honolulu and Guam, estimated sea speed ten knots; The Monterey sailed from San Diego, Cal., via Honolulu and Guam June 11th, estimated sea speed seven knots at least; second army detachment sailed from San Francisco June 15th, probably via Honolulu and Guam, estimated sea speed ten knots; Monadnock sailed from San Francisco June 25th via Honolulu and then direct, estimated sea speed six knots, perhaps more; third army detachment left San Francisco June 27th, estimated sea speed ten knots; was recommended to go direct.2 Squadron under Watson, Iowa, Oregon, Yankee, Dixie, Newark and Yosemite and four colliers preparing with all possible dispatch to start for Spanish coast. The Spaniards know this.3


Source Note: CbCyS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 372. Typographical errors have been silently corrected.

Footnote 1: RAdm. George Dewey, Commander, Asiatic Squadron.

Footnote 2: For more information of troop movements from the Pacific Coast to the Philippines, see, Cosmas, Army for Empire, 199-200.

Footnote 3: Commo. John C. Watson, Commander, Eastern Squadron. U.S. naval officials wanted the newly formed Eastern Squadron’s destination to Spain made readily known to force the return of the Philippine-bound squadron of Vice Adm. Manuel de la Cámara y Libermoore. Nofi, Spanish-American War, 1898, 282.

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