Brigadier General Henry C. Corbin, Adjutant General of the United States Army, to Brigadier General Thomas M. Anderson
Adjutant-General’s Office,
Washington, May 23, 1898.
Gen. E.S. Otis, San Francisco, Cal.:1
The Secretary of War2 directs that General Anderson,3 or the senior officer of the troops sailing on the Pekin, Australia, and Sydney4 for the Philippines, on arrival will confer fully with Admiral Dewey5 as to the whole situation and dispose of the troops so as to have them under the protection of the guns of the Admiral’s fleet until the arrival of the main force of the army under General Merritt6 and General Otis. Importance of the speedy return of transports going with these troops should be kept in view. This instruction is not intended to deprive General Anderson of the fullest discretion after consultation with Admiral Dewey. Hearty cooperation with the senior officer of the Navy is enjoined. He must, however, be governed by events and circumstances of which we can have no knowledge. The President7 and Secretary of War rely upon the sound judgment of the officer in command. Acknowledge receipt.
By command Major-General Miles:8
H.C. Corbin, Adjutant-General.
Source Note Print: Correspondence-War with Spain, 2: 668-69.
Footnote 1: Maj. Gen. Elwell S. Otis was the second-in-command of the army’s detachment assigned to the Philippines.
Footnote 2: Secretary of War Russell A. Alger.
Footnote 3: Anderson commanded the first detachment dispatched to the Philippines.
Footnote 4: That is, City of Peking and City of Sydney.
Footnote 5: RAdm. George Dewey, Commander, Asiatic Squadron.
Footnote 6: Maj. Gen. Wesley Merritt, the Army’s commander of the Department of Pacific.
Footnote 7: President William McKinley.
Footnote 8: Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles was the Commanding General of the Army.