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Bougainville Landings

1 November 1943

Ghost Trail
Marines in the Bougainville jungle, November 1943: "Ghost Trail," drawing, charcoal and pastel on paper, by Kerr Eby, 1944 (88-159-DZ).

Photo #: 80-G-44058 Shortland Islands Bombardment, 1 November 1943
After 6-inch/47-caliber gun turrets of USS Columbia (CL-56) firing during the night bombardment of Japanese facilities in the Shortland Islands that covered the 1 November 1943 landings on Bougainville. This photograph has been rather crudely retouched to eliminate radar antennas on gun directors and masthead (80-G-44058).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Saratoga (CV-3) aircraft attack Japanese airfields on either side of the Buka passage, 1–2 November 1943. Buka Island is on the right, with bombs bursting on its airfield. Bonis is at left. View looks to the southwest (80-G-89080).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Anti-aircraft gun crew on alert on board an LST bound for Bougainville, circa 1-9 November 1943. Note Mk. 14 gun sight on the 20-mm guns and "talker" in the foreground. Next ship in convoy is LST-70 (80-G-56390).

Bougainville Invasion, November 1943
Shells or bombs hit near the beach at Cape Torokina, Bougainville, as U.S. Navy landing craft stand offshore, 1 November 1943 (80-G-54388).

Bougainville Invasion, November 1943
Landing craft off the beach in Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, 1 November 1943. The boat at left has just been hit by a Japanese mortar shell (80-G-55777).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Marine patrol crossing a river on a log bridge to get at Japanese snipers, soon after the Cape Torokina landings, circa 1-7 November 1943 (80-G-56394).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Marine raiders marching back from the point of Empress Augusta Bay, near Cape Torokina, Bougainville, after fighting for 27 straight hours, circa 1–9 November 1943 (80-G-56408).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
An enterprising Navy pharmacist's mate sets up his operation under a tent at Cape Torokina, circa 1-9 November 1943, soon after the initial landings there (80-G-56402).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943.
Seabees taking drums of aviation gasoline and diesel fuel ashore at Cape Torokina, Bougainville, during an early resupply operation, 6 November 1943. Drums are rolled down the ramp of an LST to the waiting men (80-G-202494).

Bougainville Invasion, 1943
LST-398 unloading supplies, equipment and mail on a Bougainville beach, 10 November 1943. Original Marine Corps caption states: "Japanese artillery hit the ship on the same day the photo was taken, killing an officer and five crew members." Note LVT coming ashore in center (USMC-67383).

Photo #: 80-G-161595 Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., USN
Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., commander, South Pacific Force (seated in center, hatless) at a planning session behind the front line on Bougainville with Marine Corps Major Generals Allan H. Turnage and Roy S. Geiger, November 1943 (80-G-161595).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943.
A Marine Corps 105-mm howitzer firing on Japanese positions on Bougainville, circa November–December 1943 (80-G-205283).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
View of the Buka passage, looking toward Bougainville from over Buka Island, during USS Saratoga's (CV-3) strikes there, 1–2 November 1943 (80-G-89078).

Photo #: 80-G-44059 Bougainville Operation, November 1943
A Japanese plane plunges into the sea ahead of USS Columbia (CL-56), as she steams in column with other cruisers during the attack on Bougainville, 1–2 November 1943. Note 6-inch/47-caliber gun turrets, with 6-inch shell casings on deck below them (80-G-44059).

Photo #: USMC 67319 Bougainville Campaign, 1943-44
LCVP landing craft circle while awaiting landing orders during the invasion of Cape Torokina, Bougainville, 1 November 1943. The invasion beaches are being shelled in the background and there are aircraft over the beaches. The smoking volcano in the far center distance is Mount Bagana (USMC-67319).

Bougainville Invasion, November 1943
A Marine Corps LVT-1 churns toward the shore at Cape Torokina, Bougainville, on the first day of landings, 1 November 1943 (80-G-54390).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
A casualty is brought to the beach under fire, circa 1-9 November 1943, during early stages of the invasion of Cape Torokina, Bougainville (80-G-56379).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Corporal William Coffron, USMC, fires at a sniper on Puruata Island, during landing operations in Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, November 1943 (USMC-63280).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Five Marines pose with a Browning .50-caliber M2 HB machine gun in the Cape Torokina beachhead area, circa 1–9 November 1943 (80-G-56405).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Marines sandbagging the radio center at Cape Torokina, circa 1-9 November 1943, shortly after the Bougainville landings (80-G-56340).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943.
Reinforcements wade ashore from LST-353 on the shores of Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, on 6 November 1943. Also present are LST-488 and LST-70. Note barrage balloons overhead (80-G-202485).

Bougainville Operation, November 1943
Marines looking over captured Japanese equipment on Bougainville, including a Japanese battle flag wrested from its former bearers, November 1943 (80-G-56346).

Australian Coast Watchers on Bougainville, November 29, 1943
Australian coast watchers on Bougainville, 29 November 1943, after they had been picked up from New Ireland by PT boats. Several New Ireland native assistants are with them (USMC-69275).

Bougainville, Solomons
Seabees laying steel mats during the construction of a new bomber airfield on Bougainville, 15–19 December 1943 (80-G-K-363).

Bougainville, Solomon Islands
Marines kneel in prayer for their fallen buddies at Christmas Eve memorial services in a Bougainville cemetery, 24 December 1943. In the background, other Marines search the grave markers for the names of lost friends (80-G-211304).
Published: Fri May 10 11:36:16 EDT 2019